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Nominee for 2019 Python Software Foundation Board Election

Manuel Kaufmann

  • Previous Board Service: New board member
  • Employer: Read the Docs
  • Other Affiliations: Argentina en Python
  • Nomination Statements:
    • Nomination by: Juan Luis Cano Rodríguez

      I nominate Manuel Kaufmann (Humitos) for the 2019 Python Software Foundation Board Election because of his extensive experience with the oldest and biggest Spanish speaking Python community (Python Argentina), his extraordinary contributions to the creation of Python communities all around Latin America (more than 50 events in 100 cities over 8 countries, with a reach of more than 1500 people, sometimes from rural areas with very limited access to technology), his tenacious commitment with open source (spreading the word about OpenStreetMap, more than 40 repositories on GitHub), his defense of free and accessible events everywhere (PyCon Argentina is free of charge every single year), his pioneering efforts as Python Ambassador of the Python Software Foundation, his broad experience keynoting at PyCons all around the world (Spain, Brazil, Japan, Mexico), his role in helping kickstart the first PyCon Latin America (to be celebrated in August 2019), and finally his enormous heart and his ability to inspire us all wherever he is.