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Nominee for 2020 Python Software Foundation Board Election

Maria Fernanda Petri Betto

  • Previous Board Service: New board member
  • Employer: Northwestern University
  • Other Affiliations: Kellogg School of Management
  • Nominee Statement:

      I am a Brazilian Economics PhD candidate and member of the Python education community. I provide a quick summary of my qualifications and goals that I have if elected. You can find my personal site here.



      I have a few years of experience using Python to conduct Economic and Financial simulations for my research. I also have experience with data science tools from working with large data sets. I currently use Python for all of my work but previously used other languages including C++ and R. I have also used Python in a few small web development projects including Econ Ipsum – a lorem ipsum generator that uses words from papers in Economics.


      I conduct theoretical and empirical research on auctions and bond markets. Because of this, I have an understanding of the financial system and sophisticated financial instruments. I believe that I can use this knowledge to push forward the financial security of the PSF.


      In my role as a PhD candidate at Northwestern University, I help students learn Python. Because of this, I have some recent involvement with the Python education community. I am currently working with the education group to create the Python in Education landing page.

      I was also slated to present a poster about my research process at the PyCon USA 2020.


      • Enhance financial security The PSF is obviously in a bad place financially due to the cancellation of PyCon. I hope to focus heavily on improving the financial maturity of the foundation and generating new sources of revenue. I believe that there are many opportunities available to strengthen both financial security and the foundation's relationship with the greater Python community.
      • Improve educational mission I would like to focus on making the Python education community easier for educators to find and join. I would also like to explore having the PSF approve some training programs. This could generate revenue for the PSF and build a closer relationship with these educators.
      • Outreach As a Brazilian, I would love to help expand the PSFs efforts to engage with the fast-growing Python community in Latin America. Moreover, I want to foster Python's continued growth with traditionally underrepresented groups.
  • Nomination Statements:
    • Nomination by: Matthew Thomas

      Maria Fernanda is a Brazilian Python educator and PhD candidate in Economics. She conducts state of the art Economic and Financial research using Python to analyze data and estimate optimal behavior. She also tutors social science and business students in Python and runs local workshops.

      She is currently involved in the growing Python in education community and was slated to present at the 2020 PyCon before it was cancelled.

      I believe that Maria Fernanda represents exactly what the PSF needs in a candidate. A recent article from an outgoing director, Jacqueline Kazil, outlined that the PSF needs people who have experience with: (1) communities outside the US and Europe (2) finance to push forward the fiscal maturity of the PSF. As a Brazilian Economist studying auctions and financial markets, Maria Fernanda has an inherently global perspective and a deep knowledge of financial markets and instruments.