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Nominee for 2021 Python Software Foundation Board Election

Diana Rodriguez Manrique

  • Previous Board Service: New Board Member
  • Employer: Twitch
  • Other Affiliations: Google Developer Expert, Microsoft MVP, PyLadies RDU Director, GDG Durham Organiser, Auth0 Ambassador, Women Techmakers Ambassador
  • Nominee Statement:

      I have worked for 20 years in community affairs and in the development industry. My contributions on the Python side of things have been on IoT, Infrastructure Automation, Security and mentoring. I am passionate about fostering diversity, equity and inclusion in the ecosystem and I have engaged in numerous community affairs in many languages. I would like to represent LATAM and Spanish/Portuguese speakers as a board member. My goal is to be the person who fosters community participation.

  • Nomination Statements:
    • Nomination by: xxulverxx

      Diana is a genius she has work to be the best in wherever she is performing

    • Nomination by: BarbiKey

      Diana has a long career in development and as a speaker of various topics, she has also created and implemented in herself diabetes-related software, that she is willing to donate so others can use it as well. I think she would be a great talent to have around, or at least to consider (=