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Nominees for 2023 Python Software Foundation Board Election

Cheuk Ting Ho

Nomination details
  • Name: Cheuk Ting Ho
  • Previous Board Service: New board member
  • Employer: None
  • Other Affiliations: EuroPython Society, PyData, PyLadies
  • Nominee Statement:

      Hello, I am Cheuk. My origin is from Hong Kong, I moved to the United Kingdom in 2016 and discovered Python and the community while I was changing my career into Data Science the year after. I finished school with an MPhil. in Physics. During my university years, I have been running student associations and have been a student union council member for 2 years.

      After discovering the Python community, I have been active in community work, including organising meetups and conferences. In 2021 and 2022, I served in the EuroPython Society as a board member. In 2021, I became a Python Software Foundation fellow.

      Events that I have organised/co-organised:

      • EuroPython (one of the biggest European conferences)
      • Pyjamas (global 24-hour online conference)
      • Mentored Sprints (encourage contribution to open-source, especially from folks from marginalised groups)
      • PyData London and Global (conferences with a data science focus)

      I have also volunteered at various conferences including PyCon US and PyCon APAC.

      Besides events, I have also co-founded Humble Data Workshop, a workshop inspired by Django Girls, which aims to encourage under-represented folks to learn Python and apply it in data analysis work. This year, I have organised in-person Humble Data workshops in Namibia and Colombia to support the local Python community.

      In recent years, I have been learning Spanish and Japanese to connect with the community that speaks those languages dominantly. I have given a lighting talk in Spanish at PyCon ES in 2022.

      Besides all the community work, I have also contributed to Python open-source projects including pandas, hypotheses and Django.

      Why do I want to join the Python Software Foundation Board?

      As a member of the Python community, I feel a responsibility and excitement in supporting the day-to-day operations of the community. Including ensuring that it is a safe, inclusive and welcoming environment; encouraging representation of people from various backgrounds to become part of the community; and raising funds to support the needs of the community.

      I have participated and will keep on participating in various Python events globally to meet and bring everyone together. Nothing gives me more joy than meeting and talking to people and seeing how I can help the community. I am overcoming the language barriers by learning multiple languages, for example, there is a huge Spanish-speaking community that I would like to connect to.

      How I can contribute to the Python Software Foundation Board?

      Having the mission of promoting Python and the community in mind. I have created workshops and events that encourage learning Python for absolute beginners. I am also organising online events to lower the entry barrier for the Python community.

      To inspire the participation of under-represented folks I would like to highlight and celebrate the work and contributions of various forms, like documentation and community-building contributions from the under-represented groups.

      Besides the Board member responsibilities, I would also like to be part of the Diversity and Inclusion Work Group, Grants Work Group and Packaging Work Group

      Why I am a suitable Python Software Foundation Board member?

      With my experience serving the EuroPython Society board, I understand the responsibility of being a board member and have experience working with volunteers and other community members. I have also been working with the Python Software Foundation staff during PyCon US, and we have good working relationships.

      On top of that, I have undertaken code of conduct training and fully understand the importance of having a diverse and welcoming community. I will fully comply with the code of conduct of the Python Software Foundation at all times.

      I am a person that will stick to my commitments; during my term on the EuroPython Society board I rarely skip any board meetings and if I do I will provide a good reason. I will not make easy promises if I don’t think I can make it because when I take on a responsibility I am very serious about it. After being an active member of the Python community for 7 years, I am ready to serve as a Python Software board member for the entire term.

  • Nomination Statements:
    Nomination by: Iqbal Abdullah

    I am pleased to nominate Cheuk for a position on the Board of the Python Software Foundation (PSF). Cheuk is an exceptional individual with a deep understanding of the Python programming language and a strong commitment to advancing the Python community.

    Cheuk has been an active member of the Python community for many years. She is a Fellow, and was also a board member in the EuroPython Society for four years and organized the yearly EuroPython conference.

    Cheuk has been exceptional in mentoring aspiring Python developers through the meetups that she attends or organized.

    Cheuk has shown a genuine passion for promoting inclusivity and diversity within the Python community. She represents a big portion of an underrepresented part within our community. She is extensively connected to the many organizers of Python meetups and conference around the world, from Bogotá to London. Everytime I see her activites online, I see her talking to another member of our community.

    I am always awed by her strength to keep on going forward to understand, learn and teach Python and the values of a diverse and strong community to everyone that she meets.

    And of course she is a wonderful person on an individual level.

    To wrap up: I would like to nominate Cheuk for a seat on the board of the PSF because she will being much needed insights of what a diverse Python community looks like in this world of ours.

    Nomination by: Sammy Fung

    Cheuk did a lot of amazing speeches and contributions at many PyCons in the world and on her online channel. She helped PyCon US, EuroPython, and many Python communities in Europe and Asia to develop. I expect that her contributions to the PSF board will help the Python community.

    Nomination by: KwonHan Bae

    I am writing to put forward the name of Cheuk Ting Ho for your consideration. Cheuk Ting Ho, who is affiliated with EuroPython, PyData, and PyLadies, has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to the Python community.

    I first encountered Ho in the PyCon APAC Chat Room and later had the pleasure of meeting her in person at this year's PyCon US. Ho's involvement in promoting PyCon APAC was invaluable, and her contributions to the operation of PyCon US were undeniably significant.

    Even after the conclusion of PyCon US, Ho's influence and assistance continue to permeate through numerous conferences in the PyCon Asia region. Her efforts have greatly benefited these events, and I have no doubt that she will continue to serve as an asset to the Python community.

    Nomination by: Jannis Leidel

    I've worked with Cheuk recently at Anaconda and can't recommend her enough because of her enthusiasm for the Python community, considerable skills in navigating complex organizational environments, her background in community management and event organization. I was extremely impressed by her ability to present highly technical content to all levels of Python users, while being inclusive and welcoming to everyone. She has served successfully on the EuroPython Society board and has the needed skills to apply her experience to a US non-profit. She has organized various events and conferences in the past, making her keenly aware of the necessary steps the PSF needs to take to continue its mission. I fully endorse her run for the board of directors.

    Nomination by: Tania Allard

    I want to nominate Cheuk for a seat on the PSF board. I have had the pleasure of knowing and collaborating with Cheuk on many community-led initiatives and events, and I have always profoundly admired her genuine commitment to the community. Cheuk is deeply committed to increasing the participation and inclusion of historically marginalized groups in the Python community and actively participates in initiatives such as Humble Data, Mentored Sprints, Python Sprints, and PyLadies as a mentor, organizer, participant, and sharing her knowledge and expertise with others.

    Also, as a EuroPython society member, she focused on building trust with community members, other Python organizers, and communities worldwide and on the organization of EuroPython conferences.
    She has deep ties with the Scientific Python/Data Science community and global Python communities (APAC, Europe, LatAm to name a few) which would significantly help with including and making other community member's perspectives more visible within the board.

    Nomination by: Naomi Ceder

    I'm pleased and honored to support Cheuk for the PSF board. In the past 6 years that I've known her I've seen her involvement and dedication to the Python community continue to grow, from helping with sprints, to giving talks, to organizing events.

    Cheuk is one of those people who seems to be everywhere in the community. She has created the successful PyJamas online conference, she has helped organize EuroPython, she created the mentored sprint event which has been successful at PyCon US and EuroPython, and she seems to be always in motion as she travels the world promoting Python and the Python community. And I'm sure that's just a very partial list.

    I can think of no one who would be a better ambassador for the PSF and board member, with her exposure to Python communities around the world, her experience organizing events, and her outstanding ability to communicate and form connections with people wherever she goes.

    Nomination by: Vicky Twomey-Lee

    I nominate Cheuk whom I first met at one of my PyLadies Dublin meetups, and over the years, she has been very involved and volunteering in many community orgs including EuroPython (EPS board and organising team), running workshops, and giving talks (and she has given a lot of talks at Python conferences internationally).

    With her experience being part of / organising events and conferences both in-person and remotely, contributions to EuroPython FinAid and focus in bringing diversity into Python community as well as bringing a smile and spark to everyone's faces when she's around, I have no doubt she would be a great contributor to the PSF Board.

    Nomination by: Sebastiaan Zeeff

    I know Cheuk as a passionate community leader and organizer. She has a knack for bringing people together and creating environments that are both inclusive and welcoming. Personally, I also enjoy collaborating with her as part of the EuroPython organization and the EuroPython Society. In short, I think Cheuk would be a great fit for the Python Software Foundation board and that's why I nominate her.

    Nomination by: Cristián Maureira-Fredes

    I'd like to nominate Cheuk for the PSF Board of Directors, because I believe all the advocacy that she has been putting into the Python Community is something really valuable for such position.

    I met Cheuk some years ago, due to the interaction we had in the PyCon Germany and Europython conferences, since then, I have seen how active she has been, and the initiative she has taken not only helping such conferences, but bringing Python to many other locations. She has been advocating for Python by organizing conferences, tutorials, talks, workshops, lightning talks, etc.

    Last year, I joined the Pyjamas organization team, and helped Cheuk and other organizers to run the 2022 version. Cheuk's level of compromise is really amazing, which is certainly reflected even in recent trips to countries far away from her residence, just in order to give a talk, or organize workshops. Moreover, she has been brave enough to go to conferences where the main language is not English, like last year when she surprised the audience of PyCon Spain, with a Spanish-lightning talk. This might sound a bit silly, but it gives the message of willing to integrate into other communities by understanding their reality.

    She has been helping many PyLadies organizations at the same time, which is very important for her role at the board.

    Nomination by: Marlene Mhangami

    I would like to nominate Cheuk Ting Ho for the PSF board of directors. I have known Cheuk for several years now and have consistently seen her heart and passion for the Python community. I attend a lot of Python conferences, Cheuk attends more and volunteers at almost all of them. Not only is she one of the organizers for Python conferences like EuroPython and PyData London, she also co-founded Humble Data Workshop, an organization that hosts data analytics workshops for marginalized groups. I was so impressed to see her host these workshops not only in Europe where she is currently based but in Namibia and Ghana! Cheuk truly represents the spirit of a global community which is something the PSF is working towards.

    I can not recommend someone more highly and I hope that as you vote today Cheuk's name will be on your ballot.

    Marlene Mhangami

KwonHan Bae

Nomination details
  • Name: KwonHan Bae
  • Previous Board Service: New board member
  • Employer: LINEYAHOO
  • Other Affiliations: Python User Group of Korea, PyCon KR
  • Nominee Statement:

      Firstly, I would like to emphasize my belief in the importance of community-based contributors, as opposed to only major library or core developers. While technical contributions are undeniably crucial, I firmly believe that a thriving, diverse, and inclusive community is equally important for the sustained growth and influence of Python worldwide.

      For over a decade, I have fostered such a community in Korea. My work has involved founding and leading a Python user group, thereby creating a solid platform for Python enthusiasts to share knowledge, collaborate, and grow together.

      My commitment to the Python community was exemplified when I delivered a lightning talk at PyCon US 2023. The talk, which can be viewed via this link provides a comprehensive overview of my vision and work.

      When creating PyCon Korea, I was fortunate to receive significant support and guidance from friends in Japan and Taiwan, which was instrumental in the success of the initiative. This experience of international collaboration not only strengthened our local community but also enriched my understanding of community building. I am now able to pay this forward, using the insights and experiences gained to assist friends in other countries to develop their Python communities.

      In my professional capacity, I am currently employed at LINEYAHOO, a major messaging company based in Japan. Although the company primarily uses Java for application development, I, as a Site Reliability Engineer (SRE), strive to utilize Python in developing and managing the company's infrastructure. Further, I am actively encouraging developers within the company to adopt Python and participate in the wider Python community. This work reflects my belief in the value Python can bring to any organization and my commitment to its growth.

      Through the organization of user meetups, I have been instrumental in establishing community standards and propagating concepts such as the Code of Conduct. This model has since been adopted by various IT communities across Korea, with many looking to PyCon Korea as a standard of Community Driven IT Conference.

      My community-building efforts also extend to the international stage, where I have been part of the organization of PyCon APAC. Collaborating with teams across the region has granted me a broader perspective on the diverse needs and potential of the Python community in the Asia Pacific.

      Having led PyCon Korea for nine years, I am currently working on transitioning leadership to the next generation, a process that has further honed my skills in cultivating leadership and ensuring the sustainability of community initiatives.

      In conclusion, my experience and commitment to the Python community, both locally and internationally, equip me well for the Director position within the PSF. I am eager to leverage my passion for community building and my leadership experience to contribute to the Python Software Foundation at this higher level.

      Thank you for considering my nomination. I look forward to the possibility of serving the Python community in this capacity.

  • Nomination Statements:
    Nomination by: Joeun Park

    He founded PyCon Korea with support of PyCon APAC folks. supporting PyCon APAC and help people to reach out to the world. making next generation of PyCon KR for future with his work and PSF's Support. PyCon Korea is a kind of standard conference and Community. and many folks from experience from PyCon Korea is leading current IT Community of Korea.

    Nomination by: Dong-hee Na

    I would like to recommend KwonHan for the position of PSF Director. His outstanding contributions to the Python communities in Korea and the APAC regions over the past decade are truly remarkable. Prior to the establishment of PyCon KR, Python was not widely adopted in Korea. However, through his efforts in building PyCon Korea from the ground up, it has now become the largest conference for community-driven languages in Korea. As a result, Python has become one of the most widely used programming languages in Korea.

    KwonHan's experience working with various APAC regions has given him a deep understanding of the culture, which he can use to promote cultural diversity within the PSF. I am confident that he would be a valuable addition to the PSF.

    I believe KwonHan's passion for Python and his expertise have contributed to the success story that I have shared, and I hope that he can continue to excel.

    If you are interested in listening to KwonHan's story about how he set up PyCon Korea, please watch this video ?v=54q_cPCNNS8&t=172s.

    Nomination by: WEI LEE

    KwonHan supports PyCon APAC lots and helps people to reach out to the world.

    Nomination by: Sammy Fung

    KwonHan served in Python Korea and APAC communities for many years, he can help the PSF board to understand more about Python APAC communities.

    Nomination by: Cheuk Ting Ho

    I first know KwonHan at PyCon US and he gave a touching lighting talk about how we juggle between job, family and founding PyCon Korea. To achieve his goal, he actively reached out to communities in Japan, Taiwan and Singapore and finally, he founded PyCon Korea. He is also one of the organisers of PyCon APAC and is actively connecting folks in the East and South East Asia region. Via all of those he has shown exceptional leadership and communication skills and I entrust him to be able to represent communities in APAC region if he has been elected to become a PSF board member.

    Nomination by: Iqbal Abdullah

    Bae KwonHan was one of the founding members for PyCon KR, which has gone on to being an active member of the PyCon APAC Community. KwonHan is also a Fellow of the PSF (2022).

    We need active members of the community such as KwonHan to represent a huge but underrepresented communities within the PSF board, to lead the way by giving insights and guidance on how to further reach out and work together with these underrepresented communities, especially the East Asia and South East Asia region.

    I wholeheartedly nominate KwonHan as a director of the PSF.

Georgi Ker

Nomination details
  • Name: Georgi Ker
  • Previous Board Service: never
  • Employer: Self-employed and also with Ukranian startup
  • Other Affiliations: PSF Fellow, PSF Community award Q4 2020, PSF D&I WG, PyCon APAC, PyConTH, PyLadies, PyLadies BKK
  • Nominee Statement:


      I'm Georgi Ker,

      I am running for the board again this year. Why am I running again? Well, it's simple. the board is missing something crucial – a voice for the APAC community. The PyCon APAC community is massive and I've been listening to the community, and that's why I'm here, ready to talk the talk and walk the walk. And as long as I don't see a member from this corner of the globe, I'll keep raising my hand.

      Currently, I may be living in Amsterdam, enjoying the perks of legal weed, fabulous pride celebrations, and affordable education for my kids, my heart still beats to the rhythm of Asia.

      Let me clear up a few things about myself. I'm not a core developer, and I don't hold a fancy BA, MA, or PhD. I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth, and I'm definitely not the top scorer in any domain. None of that stops me from wanting to make a real difference.


      Thailand and APAC

      • 2018: Co-designed PyCon TH logo
      • 2019: Led marketing for PyCon TH
      • 2020- 2021: Conference lead PyCon TH + PyCon APAC, Advisor CUPy (Chulalongkorn University Python)
      • 2023- PyConTH Advisor


      • Co-founded PyLadies Bangkok
      • Part of the global PyLadies Interim council
      • Assisted in translation to French and Chinese in documentation
      • Co-organised 1st online PyLadies International Women’s Day with Lorena Mesa (Chicago) and Tereza Iofciu (Hamburg)

      DEI Efforts

      • PSF D&I WG member
      • Spoke in D&I panel for PyCon US 2023 & 2022, PyCascades 2021, PyCon APAC 2021
      • Played a part in establishing Microsoft APAC's "Code; Without Barrier" initiative
      • Spoke at Microsoft APAC’s “Code; Without Barrier” launch in 2021
      • Spoke about Bridging Differences in Microsoft APAC’s “Code; Without Barrier” in 2021
      • Took up Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Workplace from the University of South Florida Muma College of Business
      • Collaborated with PyCon organisers in Asia for PyCon APAC 2021 to create more diverse Asian represented talk contents
      • Included multiple language chatrooms in PyCon APAC 2021 to create a more diverse environment for attendees


      • Designed PyCon US 2023, 2022 assets. (Web, swag, on-site and online visual materials)
      • Led team of 21 volunteers for the PyCon US 2023 online platform
      • Spoke in Open Source and Community Building led by Abigail Mesrenyame Dogbe
      • Spoke in “A Day in a life of a WFH Pythonista” by Python PH
      • Wrote PyCon Organiser’s handbook and a few other articles including "How to give Positive Criticism"”.
      • Designed PyCon US 2021 online platform assets
      • Co-organiser RubyConf Thailand 2019
      • Founded Bangkok.rb
      • Co-organised and assisted in events such as Codewar and Hacktoberfest BKK for developers of all languages.


      • Create a more diverse and inclusive Python ecosystem
      • Create lower learning curve for new contributors
      • Further develop accessibility to welfare for Python community
      • Encourage more under-represented Python contributors and community leaders to step up in future.

      That's all I can offer folks. If I haven't convinced you to cast your vote in my favor, I kindly ask you to at least consider supporting someone from the incredible APAC region.

      Thank you

  • Nomination Statements:
    Nomination by: Jannis Leidel

    I fully endorse Georgi for a position on the board of directors given her experience as a leader in the PyCon APAC and PyLadies communities, helping with PyCon US and being instrumental in the PSF Diversity & Inclusion working group. She's an exemplary member of the Python community and facilitates the growth of a diverse and international community of Python programmers.

    Nomination by: Ee Durbin

    With excitement, I wholeheartedly endorse Georgi Ker's nomination for the Python Software Foundation Board.

    Georgi has a no-nonsense approach to getting things done, while maintaining a whimsical nonsense that brightens the room when things get tough. I have been lucky to collaborate with Georgi directly over the past few PyCon US cycles and it has been amazing to see the ways that she is able to not only deliver impeccable results, but also help to facilitate others to do the same.

    There has been a groundswell of support over the past few PSF Board elections to elect members who represent the expansive and growing APAC Python community, and I believe Georgi is an impeccable candidate to bring that representation to the board with energy, empathy, and creativity.

    Nomination by: Iqbal Abdullah

    I would like to nominate Georgi for a seat of the PSF board. Georgi Ker was awarded the Python Software Foundation 2020 Q4 Community Service Award due to her work building PyLadies Global.

    She was also an organizer for PyLadies Bangkok, the chairperson for PyCon APAC 2021, and also an instrumental compatriot with me in the PyCon APAC group. She is also a core member helping organize the previous PyCon US.

    Alongside Cheuk and KwonHan, Georgi represents the part of our community which has not been represented in the past. Our leadership has always been talking about diversity and including underrepresented groups, but those groups seldom get involved in the conversation.

    Georgi, Cheuk and KwonHan represents these groups, and I would like to nominate them so we can get them on the board.

Adam Hopkins

Nomination details
  • Name: Adam Hopkins
  • Previous Board Service: No
  • Employer: PacketFabric
  • Other Affiliations: Sanic Community Organization
  • Nominee Statement:


      Dear Python Community,

      I am excited to announce my self-nomination for a position on the Board of the Python Software Foundation (PSF). As a dedicated member of the Python community and an advocate for open-source software (OSS), I am committed to contributing my skills, experience, and passion to further advance the Python programming language and support its vibrant ecosystem.

      Qualifications and Experience

      Deep Involvement in the Python Community

      • 25+ years of experience: I have been actively involved with Python for over two decades, witnessing its growth and evolution.
      • Python expertise: I am a Python expert with a strong command of the language's fundamentals and advanced concepts.
      • Contributor and maintainer: I have made significant contributions to the Python community through my participation in mailing lists, forums, and GitHub repositories. I have also maintained several open-source projects, helping to foster collaboration and innovation.
      • Tech conferences and speaking engagements: As an active speaker at tech conferences, I have had the privilege of sharing my knowledge and insights on Python with the community. I believe in the power of knowledge sharing to promote growth and learning. I have been honored to be asked to speak as the keynote speaker at PyCon IL this Summer.

      Dedication to Open-Source Software

      • Advocate for open-source philosophy: I firmly believe in the principles of open-source software and its transformative impact on technology and society. I actively promote the adoption and use of open-source software in various forums.
      • Open-source contributions: Beyond Python, I have contributed to numerous other open-source projects, allowing me to gain valuable experience and insights into collaborative development processes.
      • Published author: I have authored a book on web development, emphasizing the importance of open-source tools and frameworks. This experience has given me a deep appreciation for the role of documentation in enabling wider adoption and growth within the Python community.

      Leadership and Community Building

      • Management experience: In my current role as VP of Software Engineering, I head a division of globally-distributed software engineers. I have honed my leadership skills and gained a comprehensive understanding of managing teams with vastly different backgrounds, and driving strategic initiatives.
      • Community engagement: I actively engage with the Python community in as many different forums as I can. I have been on a personal missing to give back to the community that has enabled me over these many years. I believe in fostering a sense of inclusivity and collaboration to empower all members of the community.

      Vision and Goals

      If elected to the Board of the Python Software Foundation, I will focus on the following key areas:

      1. Community growth and inclusivity: I will work to foster a diverse and inclusive Python community, creating opportunities for underrepresented groups and promoting a welcoming environment for newcomers. I do this already within the Sanic community, and I would like to bring this experience to the PSF.
      2. Education and outreach: I aim to enhance educational resources and initiatives that promote Python as a powerful tool for learning programming and problem-solving.
      3. Supporting open-source projects: I will advocate for resources and funding to support the development of critical open-source projects and initiatives within the Python ecosystem.
      4. Collaboration and partnerships: I will seek to strengthen relationships with other organizations, academic institutions, and industry partners to foster collaboration and drive innovation.
      5. Transparency and governance: I will promote transparency and effective governance within the PSF, ensuring that decisions are made with the best interests of the community in mind.


      I am deeply committed to the Python programming language and the values that the Python Software Foundation represents. If given the opportunity to serve on the Board, I will dedicate my time, energy, and expertise to furthering the mission of the PSF and supporting the incredible Python community.

      Thank you for considering my self-nomination. I would be honored to have the chance to contribute to the Python Software Foundation's continued success.

      ```python class Adam: work = PacketFabric("Director of Software Engineering") oss = Sanic("Core Maintainer") home = Israel("Negev")

      async def run(self, inputs: Union[Pretzels, Coffee]) -> None:
          while True:
      def sleep(self):
          raise NotImplementedError


Denny Perez

Nomination details
  • Name: Denny Perez
  • Previous Board Service: New board member
  • Employer: Nventive
  • Other Affiliations: Python Chile - PyCon Latam - Python en Español - PyCascades - Pyladies
  • Nominee Statement:


      I'm Denny Perez. My journey in the Python community began five years ago when I attended PyCon US in Cleveland in 2018. As a professional accountant with over ten years of experience, I decided to change careers when I immigrated to Canada and immersed myself in the exciting world of Python programming.

      As a PSF Fellow and a mother of three, I have learned that the Python community is not only made up of programmers and developers who enhance the packages but also of people behind the scenes who organize conferences, meetups, and workshops. I belong to this second group. Although I am a beginner in Python, my contribution focuses on project management, marketing, events, and community management. I learn from developers while they give talks and share their experiences at the events I help create. Volunteering is challenging, but the Python community has always been an invaluable support. Many of the successes I have achieved in my career would not have been possible without the valuable support of my friends and collaborators. I have been an unwavering advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusion throughout my work. I firmly believe in creating environments where all individuals, regardless of their background, gender, or ability, have equal opportunities to participate and thrive.

      Contributions to the Python Community

      Over the past five years, I have worked hard to empower the Spanish-speaking community in various countries. Since 2019, I have been involved with different Python-related groups and activities. As the founder of the "Chicas en Programación Mtl" group, I organized in-person events and mentored Python from scratch to Latinas in Montreal. Although the pandemic slowed down the group, I sought other initiatives to help and joined as a Python en Español Discord Server coordinator. This community aims to bring together Spanish speakers of Python.

      I have volunteered at various Python conferences in different roles, including PyCon US 2018 and 2019 (PyLadies booth and auction), PyCon Latam 2019 (host and volunteer team coordinator), PyCon Canada 2019 (registration and swag), Python Brasil 2021 (host and session organizer), PyCon US 2021 (PyCharlas chat room moderator), and PyCascades 2022 (chat room moderator).

      Additionally, I have had the opportunity to speak at numerous events and conferences, such as Python Panamá, Python Nicaragua, Python Dominicana, Python Bolivia, PyCon Brasil, and PyCon US.

      In addition to my involvement in the Python en Español Discord Server, I have been a co-organizer of PyCon Latam since 2020 and a co-organizer of the Python Chile community (where I helped establish the first PyCon Chile in 2021). Since last year, I have been the Co-chair of the PyCon Charlas Track at PyCon US, the community manager of the SciPy Latam conference in Argentina, and the Volunteer Chair at PyCascades. This year, I started collaborating as a co-organizer of PyJamas Conf.

      PyLadies Community

      In the PyLadies community, I co-founded the first chapter in Chile, PyLadies Santiago, established in 2021. I have also collaborated as a co-founder in two other PyLadies chapters, which I am currently coordinating: PyLadies en Español, a chapter specifically created to empower people throughout Latin America and Spain to grow as a Spanish-speaking community, and PyLadies Santo Domingo. Additionally, I lead a community within the Python en Español Discord Server called "Casi Viernes con PyLadies" (Almost Friday with PyLadies). This space gathers every Thursday to share knowledge on creating communities around the Python programming language while learning more about the PyLadies community. My ultimate goal is to expand the network of PyLadies chapters throughout Latin America and Spain, providing more opportunities and support to women interested in programming.

      Objectives as a Board Member

      As a member of the Board of Directors of the Python Software Foundation, I have clear and defined goals to continue contributing to the growth and strengthening of the community.

      The objectives of my candidacy focus on four main ideas:

      International Advocacy for the PSF

      Improve the official PSF blog to other communities with active communities translating the documentation, like the Spanish group, to help with the official blog posts to increase the visibility of "local heroes" in the Python community. These new posts will highlight developers' success stories and achievements, inspiring others, with the primary objective to bring the PSF closer to our members.

      Create a platform for non-English speakers and Python content creators to showcase their work and promote their publications on social media platforms like YouTube, expanding their exposure and reach and having a community-based moderation team to verify the content adheres to the PSF code of conduct.

      Engaging Students

      Redefine the role of Python Ambassador and develop programs to actively involve students, fostering their participation in the Python community.

      Collaborate with educational institutions to promote Python and provide resources that enable students to learn and engage with the language. This will be achieved by:

      • Gather interested PSF members to give informational and language talks at Universities

      • Provide feedback to students on program content

      • Notify about conference opportunities and other activities

      • Inform about the options communities have with regards to the PSF help

      Strengthening Collaboration with PyLadies

      Foster a strong and collaborative relationship between PyLadies and the PSF, working directly with the global PyLadies council.

      Encourage PyLadies chapters worldwide to become more involved in PSF programs and working groups, thus contributing to the growth and development of the Python ecosystem. This can be achieved by:

      • Open global calls

      • Language-based calls for ongoing chapters

      • Questions and Answers sessions for new interested chapters,

      • Empower other diversity initiatives like Women in Tech, Django Girls, etc.

      Establishing i18n recommended practices

      After the success of many language translations for the Python documentation and a few other resources, it’s time for us as PSF to define workflows and recommendations for new teams of people, so they can have the necessary information for translating material, including the documentation.

      I would like to connect communities like the French and Spanish to define a proposal for i18n good practices for documentation. I would also use this knowledge to extend the possibilities for translating the leading Python site and other critical resources like the profound blog.

      This will ensure communities in every corner of the world have the basis and a team of people to start exposing resources in their cultures and languages.


      In summary, as a member of the Board of Directors of the PSF, I am committed to providing opportunities to the Python community and working tirelessly to achieve greater diversity, equity, and inclusion. I firmly believe in creating environments where all individuals, regardless of their background, gender, or ability, have equal opportunities to participate and thrive. I am ready to take on this challenge and make a meaningful contribution to the growth and continued success of the Python community.

      Find me around web

  • Nomination Statements:
    Nomination by: Marlene Mhangami

    I would like to endorse Denny Perez for the PSF board of directors. Denny has contributed significantly to the global Python community. I first met Denny on Twitter a few years ago after seeing her consistently post helpful resources and updates about the Python community in Latin America. More recently, I met her at PyCon US and I'm happy to say that she is just as friendly, welcoming and insightful in person as she is online. Denny created a Python group called “Chicas en Programación Mtl” that helps women Spanish speaking women in Montreal learn Python from scratch. Seeing more women be involved in the Python community is a passion both of us share and it's been a joy also seeing Denny's participation in PyLadies. She is also a fellow conference organizer, leading the team that puts on PyCon Latam.

    We need as much global representation as we can possibly get on the PSF board and I believe Denny will serve as a voice for the Spanish speaking community. I gladly will be casting my vote for her during this election and hope you consider doing the same.

    Marlene Mhangami

    Nomination by: andreagriffiths11

    I am writing to wholeheartedly nominate Denny, a remarkable community leader who has made significant contributions to the growth and success of GitHub users and the Open Source Community in LATAM. Through her exceptional initiatives and unwavering dedication, Denny has proven herself as an invaluable asset to the Python ecosystem and would be an excellent addition to the board. Allow me to elaborate on her achievements and why she would excel in this role. Denny's passion for engaging with the community and promoting Python in the region is truly inspiring. One of her most impactful initiatives has been the GitHub Presente streams, where she has invited pythonistas to share their insights and experiences. These streams have not only helped to raise community awareness but have also fostered meaningful connections and knowledge exchange among developers. Denny's ability to connect with developers and create engaging content showcases her exceptional talent in community building and outreach.

    In conclusion, I wholeheartedly endorse Denny as a valuable board member for GitHub in LATAM. Her skills, dedication, and passion for fostering growth and success make her an ideal candidate to contribute to strategic decision-making. I am confident that her inclusion in the board will bring fresh perspectives, drive innovation, and empower developers in the LATAM region.

    Nomination by: Valeria Calderon

    I am nominating Denny Perez for the current election to the PSF Board because I have been a witness of the big work that Denny has done for the Python community for many years. She has been co-organizing multiple events like PyLatam and Pycon Charlas, and has been mentor and co-founder for communities like Pyladies Chile. Along all these years I can see that she is a very good leader and planner, with a lot of energy towards accomplish the community objectives. Also she has been involved in multiple LATAM communities and also in North America Communities which is really good for a PSF board position in order to embrace diversity and give that point of view that not everyone have. I firmly believe she has a lot to of value to add as a PSF board member.

    Nomination by: Naomi Ceder

    I am proud to nominate Denny Perez for the PSF board. She is truly and deeply involved in serving the Python community, both in Latin America and globally. I worked with Denny as she took over co-chairing the Charlas, PyCon US' Spanish language track, (which has continued to grow and flourish under her leadership), and I have worked with her as she has taken up leadership roles for PyCon Latam, and through out our Spanish speaking Python communities. She is also the driving force behind organizing an online global PyLadies conference. Throughout all of those activities, she is efficient, friendly, and a great communicator. She will make a great board member.

    I can think of no one who would be a better representative of Latin America on the PSF board, nor anyone who would be a better ambassador for the PSF to communities around the world. She has my total and absolute support.

    Nomination by: carlos.maldonado

    Denny ha sido un pilar escencial en la organización de Python Chile. Siempre atenta y disponible para apoyar todas las iniciativas que surgen en torno a Python. Ademas sobresale su capacidad para generar redes, organizar equipos y de comunicar en las redes relacionadas a Python.

    Nomination by: Cristián Maureira-Fredes

    I'd like to nominate Denny for the PSF Board of Directors for her many contribution to the Python community during the last years, and because I believe her profile match the responsibilities that the board is in charge of.

    I have been closely working with Denny in many communities and conferences, so I really believe she would do an amazing job in the board.

    For that, I would like to list the events and contributions I have seen she has been doing, which are for sure not a full list.

    • She joined the Python Chile organization when it was regrouping after some years without much activity, she participated in one online event and even though she was not living in Chile or had any connection, she got motivated to help in the community. After some time she became one of the main organizing, helping creating and coordinating other initiatives like PyLadies Santiago (the first pyladies chapter)
    • She has been helping in Python Conferences since she helped on her first PyCon, which motivated her to join the PyCon Latam initiative, and has been a coordinator since the beginning.
    • She joined the initiative that aim to create a central place for all the Spanish speaking communities, Python en Español, and has been a coordinator since the beginning. With that, and the collaboration with other chapters, she started to gather interested people and formed the PyLadies en Español chapter, which has a similar goal, but to mainly motivate the creation and healthy evolution of PyLadies communities in countries that speak Spanish.
    • After applying to help with the PyCon Charlas (the spanish track at PyConUS) we got invited in 2022 to join the organization of the track as co-chairs, which we kept doing together this year also.

    Denny is not only helping the Python community, she has been also helping other initiatives and conferences - being currently a Community Leader for the LATAM region for Github, for example - so I'm certain her motivation to help other people goes beyond the Python Community, which enables her to have a broader vision on how the PSF can keep evolving.

    She will provide the board a different view on all the Spanish-speaking communities she has been collaborating with, and will have enough strength to lead new initiatives that can bring the PSF into more people with a more diverse background.

    Nomination by: Maria Jose Molina Contreras

    I would like to nominate Denny Perez for the PSF Board of Directors for her multiple contributions and continuous support to different python communities, I believe that she can contribute very positively being part of the board.

    I have been collaborating with her in spanish python communities and she has being doing a lot for them, for example, she started to gather interested people and formed the PyLadies en Español chapter, to mainly motivate the creation of PyLadies communities in countries that speak Spanish, among many others.

    I truly believe that her experience in different communities around the world will bring a great value to the PSF board by contributing and leading new ideas and initiatives.

    Nomination by: Pablo Lira

    On behalf of the PythonChile community, I have the honor of recommending Denny Pérez as a candidate for the board of directors of the PSF.

    Denny has shown great commitment, passion and dedication within the PythonChile community. She has played a fundamental role in various areas of administration of the organization, such as the organization of outstanding events such as PyconChile and PyDayChile. She has also participated in the organization of various activities and has shown outstanding leadership in the communities of Pyladies Valparaíso and Pyladies Santiago. In addition, She has been responsible for the management of social networks and has actively contributed to the creation of promotional content. During the last three years, she has regularly attended the weekly meetings and has been a great support in the creation of the NGO PythonChile.

    I highly recommend Denny Perez's candidacy for the PSF Board of Directors and look forward to being given this opportunity to serve and represent Spanish-speaking communities.

    Sincerely, Pablo Lira

Asif Saif Uddin

Nomination details
  • Name: Asif Saif Uddin
  • Previous Board Service: New board member
  • Employer: TrendBreaker
  • Other Affiliations: Core Team member of Celery & Django REST Framework
  • Nominee Statement:

      Hi, I'm Asif from Dhaka, Bangladesh. I've been a member of the Python community for over 10 years and an active contributor to a large number of open source projects written in Python & Django. I am core team member & active maintainer of several critical python ecosystem projects like Celery, oAuthlib, pyJWT, Django REST framework and more.

      I'm currently self-employed, working on the open source projects to turn them into a sustainable business.

      I'm a member of DSF & contributing member of PSF from 2019. I contributed to several python working group & reviewed proposal in PyCon Japan.

      If elected, I'd like to:

      Work more on python localization projects & improving distributed computing capabilities in Python.

      Continue my work to be a voice for the people in our diverse, global Python community, especially when they are underrepresented in the PSF board and related committees. This is critical to continue to serve our mission.

      More focused work on Improve python packaging & tooling ecosystem.

      Continue to support research and development efforts in strategic areas such as supply chain security, cross-platform compatibility/usability and emerging technologies.

Itamar Ostricher

Nomination details
  • Name: Itamar Ostricher
  • Previous Board Service: New board member
  • Employer: Meta Platforms
  • Other Affiliations: None
  • Nominee Statement:

      I’m Itamar, and I've been an enthusiastic Python user for nearly two decades, and an active Python contributor and community member since 2021.

      Background and Experience

      Throughout my journey as a software engineer on Meta's core Python platform and infrastructure team, I have gained a unique perspective on the widespread use of Python at scale. This experience has allowed me to witness the dynamic interplay between the industry and the community, recognizing the significant role they play in shaping and complementing one another.

      With a deep understanding of the extent to which the industry at large relies on the Python language and ecosystem having solid and healthy foundations, I firmly believe in the responsibility that corporations have to give back, whether through financial contributions or active engagement in the open-source community.

      By advocating for the importance of the sustainability of the Python language and ecosystem, I successfully facilitated continued sponsorship and extended support for the Developer In Residence position. Additionally, I played a key role in prioritizing Cinder’s open-source & upstream strategy (personally contributing multiple issues and PRs), and fostering a closer relationship with the Faster CPython project around our aligned performance goals.

      Drawing upon my experience as a Python user in government, startups, and large technology companies across the Middle East and North America, I offer an international and cross-disciplinary perspective to the PSF board.


      If elected to the PSF board, I would consider it an honor to contribute my skills and knowledge to further the mission of the PSF. I am particularly passionate about the following areas:

      • The overall health and sustainability of the Python community and ecosystem. This includes ensuring the PSF has the capacity to sustainably employ developers and other positions for the long-term, as well as enhancing the capabilities of the PSF to deploy resources to support open-source projects and maintainers.
      • Helping individuals within the community to advocate for the Python community in their organizations. I recognize the power of passionate individuals to make a difference and influence their organizations to fulfill their responsibility of giving back to the community.
  • Nomination Statements:
    Nomination by: Thomas Wouters

    I've known Itamar for a little while, both for his technical work on Cider and his organisational work around Meta sponsorship of the PSF and CPython, and he's one of the people I've had in-depth discussions about what the PSF Board needs and what serving on the Board is like. I like the Board to represent as many different interests and experiences as possible, and I believe Itamar would provide a different point of view to the Board than most candidates would bring, which is both useful and impactful.

Chukwudi Nwachukwu

Nomination details
  • Name: Chukwudi Nwachukwu
  • Previous Board Service: New board member
  • Employer: Airtel Africa Digital Labs
  • Other Affiliations: PSF Fellow Workgrooup, PSF Grants Team, Python Nigeria Patron.
  • Nominee Statement:

      I, Chukwudi Nwachukwu, nominate myself to serve on the board of PSF. I have been working in my own capacity, helping Python users around the world in general and Africa in particular.

      By June, the Q of 2018, I was awarded the PSF Community Service Awards for my contribution to spreading the growth of Python to the Nigerian community and for my dedication and research to the PSF grants work group. And between that time and now, I have helped Python Ghana, Python Benin Republic along the way too. Plus, I was also among the team that held the first Python Africa conference.

      I have been able to use all the spare time I have to spread everything and anything about Python (through meetups and conferences) e.g Django Girls, Python Nigeria Conferences, Flask Conference, and more.

      As a member of the board, I will further reach out to the large community in Africa and ensure that places where we have under-representation are duly represented. I will also help to ensure that more Python events come up and this will spread the Python gospel all round.

      I can do this because before I started on my mission to spread the Python word in Nigeria and beyond, Python wasn't a much talked about language, and in my time, the Nigerian Govt has been able to adopt Python as a core language in its home grown training program called NPOWER. I have also helped some startup companies incorporate Python as part of their stack, and IT companies training people to code in Python have all made Python a leading programming language in Nigeria and beyond.

      There is also Data Science Nigeria where I have a good working relationship with the founder and have helped in the past too. They make use of Python as one of their tools in data science and analysis.

      My role in helping PSF Grants Team sponsor events worldwide is well known. And I am thorough and meticulous in my research and findings. This has helped us save a lot of money.

      What’s more? I am with the PSF Fellow Work group too. But then, I want to help more at the Board level.

Christopher Neugebauer

Nomination details
  • Name: Christopher Neugebauer
  • Previous Board Service: 2018-2021
  • Employer: None
  • Other Affiliations: Pantsbuild (open source maintainer), North Bay Python (a Software Freedom Conservancy project).
  • Nominee Statement:

      Hi! I’m Christopher Neugebauer. I’m a Queer Australian living in Northern California. I currently serve on the PSF Grants Working Group, and as director of the North Bay Python conference here in Petaluma. I previously served on the PSF Board between 2018 and 2021.

      I have a track record of building diverse communities, and spending time working directly with fellow board members to help make the foundation do better work. That said, I have specific things I want to accomplish too.

      If elected, I want to focus on the following:

      1. More effectively using the Grants program as a tool for outreach
      2. Building stronger partnerships with regional and international Python conferences to further the PSF’s mission


      I’ve served on the Grants Working Group since it was founded in 2015, and over the last year, have been a source of institutional knowledge as the Grants program has resumed since shutting down at the start of the Pandemic.

      I see our Grants program as the easiest way for the Foundation to achieve its mission of growing the international Python community. We enable local volunteers to do great work.

      Now that the program is running at close to the capacity it was in 2019 again, I want to serve on the board to help guide our Grant-giving strategy: I want to focus on ensuring our grants are impactful, ensuring that our money grows a diverse and international Python community, or that our grants help further the reach of the PSF.

      Regional conferences

      Our community has done a good job of building up regional and national conferences all over the world, and we’re starting to see more conferences come back from their Pandemic-enforced break.

      The PSF runs PyCon US, which has an outsized influence on other Python conferences, in the US, but also abroad. I’d like to help the PSF better work with regional conferences: traditionally the PSF has not done a good job of sharing sponsorship resources or infrastructure (both financial and technical). I’ll use my time on the board to help build relationships with conferences, seek opportunities to pool funding opportunities, and prioritize projects to make it easier for Python events to benefit from our infrastructure and ability to attract interest from larger companies.

      In return, I’d like to see regional conferences be a resource the Foundation can better rely on when PyCon US can’t effectively serve our entire community, for reasons within our control — for example, providing opportunities if PyCon US becomes capacity-restricted again — or out of our control — for example, if a PyCon US venue again unexpectedly becomes unsafe or inaccessible for marginalized members of our community (as it did in Utah for 2023). Regional conferences can help us keep our community welcoming, even if circumstances out of our control make the Foundation less so. I want to lead the Foundation in building up that capacity.

      I want to continue growing our community, and I want to be able to welcome more people as our community grows.

      I’ve been an effective Board Member in the past, and I am excited to request your vote, so I can do this important work.

  • Nomination Statements:
    Nomination by: Kushal Das

    I work along with Christopher regularly in the grants working group and also in the previous boards. He is analytical and also brings in important questions for the community in all of the platforms. He is someone whom I trust when it comes to understanding the issues and possible solutions. Asking the right questions in the time of need is something he does very efficiently. I am hoping to see him being able to be more engaged by being part of the board again.

    Nomination by: Thomas Wouters

    I have served with Chris on the PSF Board in the past. He has a community mindset as well as a solid understanding of the PSF's inner workings, the history of the PSF and the Python community as a whole, and good ideas on how to iterate and improve. I'm certain Chris would have a unique and valuable contribution to the Board, so I want to endorse his nomination.

    Nomination by: Carol Willing

    I'm nominating Chris Neugebauer for election to the PSF Board. Two words come to mind when I think about Chris and his impact on Python: Selfless Leadership. His commitment to the Python community has grown over the past decade that I have known him. Whether it is helping a new person in the community get connected or bootstrapping a conference, Chris brings his thoughtful, calm, and inclusive attitude to deliver results.

    With his high standards for governance and work ethic, Chris has helped the PSF navigate unforeseen challenges and strengthen the PSF's health and ongoing success. I trust his judgement on governance matters and to make decisions that carry out the mission of the PSF.

Sayantika Banik

Nomination details
  • Name: Sayantika Banik
  • Previous Board Service: New board member
  • Employer: Voltron Data
  • Other Affiliations: PSF Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) WG, PyLadies Bangalore, NumFocus
  • Nominee Statement:

      About me 👩🏽‍🎨

      👋🏽 I am Sayantika (she/her), based out of India. I find joy in embracing various passions, from exploring technology and open source to expressing myself through art and caring for my little plants. I learn through interconnected experiences.

      My community journey 🫶🏽

      Right from the very beginning, my tech journey has been exhilarating, weaving together diverse experiences.

      Diversity and inclusion hold a special place in my heart. I have had the privilege of being involved in the Diversity and Inclusion Work Group at the Python Software Foundation (PSF), where we strive to create an inclusive Python community by amplifying diverse voices and advocating for equitable opportunities.

      As a founding committee member at NumFocus's Project Incubator, I enjoyed brainstorming and witnessing the power of open-source collaboration and mentorship.

      PyLadies Bangalore has always been close to my heart. Starting as a community member, I have grown exponentially through my journey to becoming an organizer.

      In the past, I had the privilege of serving as a workgroup member at RSE Asia, where I furthered my knowledge and explored the friendly research software engineering community.

      I am also proud to have served as a Board Member at the Django Software Foundation, actively shaping a vibrant and inclusive ecosystem for Django developers.

      Contributing as a reviewer for the Tapia 2020/2021 conference scholarships gave me a unique perspective on the remarkable achievements and potential of underrepresented groups in computing.

      Each experience has added a unique piece to the puzzle of my personal growth.

      Spreading knowledge about tech, community, and beyond 💪🏽

      • Presented at PyCon India 2021
      • Presented at stackconf 2020/2022
      • Collaborated and presented at PyCascades - Meet & Greet with PSF D&I workgroup
      • Collaborated on workshops/meet-ups with PyLadies Bangalore
      • Presented at meet-up by Infosec Girls Bangalore
      • Contributed to multiple workshops on taking the first step and contributing to open source

      My goals 🤝

      My primary goal will be to streamline processes and empower the larger community to access information effortlessly. This will serve as a stepping stone for multiple initiatives and foster growth driven by valuable feedback.


      • Enhancing communication and collaboration within the community.
      • Identifying and addressing unique challenges and gathering valuable input from community members.
      • Promoting transparency and designing accessible spaces.

      Hoping to add value and create a welcoming and inclusive space for everyone. Thank you for considering my nomination.

  • Nomination Statements:
    Nomination by: Marlene Mhangami

    I would like to nominate Sayantika Banik for the PSF board of directors. Sayantika and I have been friends for a few years now and it's been so encouraging for me to see her serve the Python community in India and around the world. She currently serves as an organizer for PyLadies Bangalore, has experience serving on board of directors for the Django Software Foundation and is my co-worker at Voltron Data working on Open Source Python systems. Over the years, Sayantika and I have discussed our common hope to see the Python community continue to be diverse and welcoming. As a result she joined and is an active member of the PSF Diversity and Inclusion Work Group I currently chair. Sayantika's insightfulness and willingness to serve has been a great asset to our group and I believe will be the same to the PSF board.

    The board continues to lack representation from Asia and I would love to see Sayantika be a voice for a group that makes up a very large part of our community. Please consider voting for her as an incredibly qualified candidate for this role. I certainly will be.

    Marlene Mhangami

Jon Banafato

Nomination details
  • Name: Jon Banafato
  • Previous Board Service: New board member
  • Employer: Self-employed
  • Other Affiliations: PyGotham, Big Apple Py
  • Nominee Statement:


      My name is Jon Banafato, and I'm a Python user and community organizer. I've spent the past decade organizing events for the Python community in New York City, including meetup groups, one-off hackathons and educational events, and most notably as a PyGotham organizer since 2014. I've served my local Python communities over the past ten years with a sense of pride and duty and aim to bring that same passion to a Python Software Foundation board position if elected.


      My priorities as a board member would revolve around increasing the PSF's role as a support structure for Python communities in addition to its substantial role in producing PyCon US. The PSF has provided valuable grants to community events to help offset costs, and the expanded fiscal sponsorship program has reduced the barrier to entry for events and open source projects to accept sponsorships and other sources of funding in recent years. I hope to see and will work to expand these support structures in the following areas:

      • Operating costs: starting a new event, especially a conference, can incur significant costs such as venue, catering, and other vendor deposits even before a conference is officially announced. In addition to the support the PSF provides via the existing grants and fiscal sponsorship programs, it has leverage and experience in running conferences that new organizers may lack; this experience and the backing of a larger organization can help conferences obtain more favorable terms and pricing with vendors during the negotiation / booking stages. The organization could also expand its grants program to aid events with initial deposits before they're able to raise sponsorship funding or ticket sales to reduce financial burden on individual organizers.
      • Sponsorship: sponsorships of meetups and conferences are often facilitated by relationships. An organizer of a new or expanding event may not have the proper contacts at prospective sponsor companies, whereas the PSF has ongoing relationships with large sponsors who often require lead times longer than new or small conferences can accommodate. The PSF can keep these other events on the radar of larger sponsors to ensure that they're prepared to sponsor an event when the time comes and work with events to create attractive sponsorship packages that secure funding for several events at once.
      • Other event support and advice: many organizers share their experience and support with each other while together at events like PyCon US. To reach a wider audience and include organizers that don't regularly attend conferences in the US, the PSF should offer additional organizer resources either directly or by connecting new organizers with experienced mentors in the community through other resources.

      All of this requires funding and staffing, and my experience through conferences and other community events can bolster existing fundraising efforts. I would also aim to support new forms of funding, especially in a time where we're increasingly seeing corporate and venture funding being allocated toward open source projects.


      In addition to my work as a software developer working with Python, I have a background in community event organizing. I believe this experience would be a valuable addition to the PSF's Board in the coming years, especially as existing communities work to rebuild and continue to grow. Some highlights of my work within Python communities include:

      • I have been on the core organizing team for PyGotham since 2014 and have served as its conference chair since 2016. Through this work, I've gained experience in most of the critical aspects of event planning. I have also served as the sponsorship lead for most of this time with an eye toward sustainably growing the event's offerings year after year. In conjunction with my early PyGotham work, I spent the several years as an organizer for NYC Python and helped found its partner group Learn Python NYC hosting an average of 3 - 4 events per week across the two communities. Between conferences and meetups, I have first hand experience supporting communites and events ranging in size from dozens of attendees to 500+.
      • For the past 3.5 years, I've hosted Conference Chats, an independent community for conference organizers to share advice, support, news, and other topics related to event planning. While the group is not limited to the Python community, organizers from several different Python conferences and meetups actively participate in our chat server and our twice-monthly open forum video calls.
      • I'm a co-host of Python Community News, a YouTube channel and podcast dedicated to sharing non-code news within the Python world through commentary and interviews with Python community members.


      Those that know me in the Python community know that I'm always eager to help others and put the needs of the community first. I hope to earn your vote to continue to support this community at the Board of Directors level. You can reach me at <[email protected]> or at @jonafato on Twitter and if you have any questions about my self-nomination.

  • Nomination Statements:
    Nomination by: Jeff Triplett

    I support Jon Banafato's nomination due to his outstanding leadership qualities, over ten years of expertise in planning different events, including face-to-face and online gatherings, and his fundraising experience and managing finances and budgets.

    Jon shines as an event organizer, demonstrating support and empathy toward everyone he collaborates with. He has proven his ability to lead and organize in-person and virtual conferences. Moreover, he's even established a community to assist event organizers in improving their skills through shared experiences.

    As an outgoing director, we could benefit from more individuals like Jon, who brings invaluable skills like financial management and budgeting and insight into creating welcoming events. He understands the wider Python community's needs and worries, making him an ideal candidate for the director role.

Lina Katayose

Nomination details
  • Name: Lina Katayose
  • Previous Board Service: New board member
  • Employer: Keio University
  • Other Affiliations: moegi co.,ltd
  • Nominee Statement:

      Hello, I am Lina Katayose and my primary location is Japan. I have been interested in Python since 2016 and attended PyCon JP 2016 for the first time. I have been a general speaker at PyCon JP 2017,2018 and an invited speaker in 2020. I attended PyCon US for the first time in 2018 and regularly attend PyCons in Thailand, Taiwan, and other Asian countries. I am also a staff member of PyLadies Tokyo, helping to organize and manage the event. In 2018, we supported the launch of PyLadies BKK and expanded the opportunities to interact with each other. Thanks to this, I was able to meet many Asian Python community activists. On my own, I do hardware development using Python. I was working mainly on the subject of using drones and Raspberry Pi. Not many Python engineers do hardware development, but I really enjoy it. Fortunately, Japan has Akihabara, an electronic parts store, where you can buy components and get started right away. I have been working on community activities, not only for my own Python study, but also to support the community and help many Python users to gain a broad and large knowledge of Python. To this end, I started my own company, increased my free time, and helped with PyLadies Tokyo and Python Boot Camp. Recently, I have chaired the largest events in Japan through PyCon JP 2022 and PyCon APAC 2023, and have been active in promoting the diversity, responsiveness, and inclusiveness of Python and other IT technologies.

Kelvin Oyanna

Nomination details
  • Name: Kelvin Oyanna
  • Previous Board Service: New board member
  • Employer: Airbyte
  • Other Affiliations: Member, Pycon Africa Team; Co-organizer, PyData Lagos; Previous Chair, Python Nigeria Board
  • Nominee Statement:

      Hi, I'm Kelvin. I'm a data & analytics engineer. I've spent the last 7+ years helping businesses build data platforms, tools, and optimized data infrastructure to power their AI/ML & analytics initiatives, leveraging the Python programming language and its open-source frameworks/libraries. As part of the effort to contribute to the learning, adoption, and growth of the Python programming language in Nigeria, I served as the lead/chairperson of the board of Python Nigeria between 2018 - 2019. While in service, I championed various initiatives with the team including: * Organized the annual Pycon Nigeria conference, which brought over 500 attendees together for learning about the Python programming language and networking. * Organized a 12-week boot camp that had over 100 participants trained in Web development using Python/Django and Data science. * Organized a series of monthly meetups that had over 50 participants (at each meetup) trained in coding in Python. * Create public awareness for the adoption & learning of the Python programming language through participation in Python communities. This was done through various conference speaking engagements and panel participation like The Digital Right and Inclusion conference.

      My impact on talent development through the Python Nigeria community was recognized & applauded in the media by the body of Software Practitioners in Nigeria (ISPON). I further served as a member of the Board of Pycon Africa, the team that organized the first pan-African Pycon conference which was held in Accra, Ghana. I'm also a co-organizer of the PyData Lagos community.

      Besides my leadership capability, I've also spoken at various Pycon conferences and meetups as well as facilitated training in Python at various training programs/boot camps. My talk at the 2019 Pycon Africa conference was another opportunity to share knowledge & experience on bridging the talent gap between Python communities and the Industry. I have demonstrated in various capacities my passion to train and mentor others, contributed to the growth of Python communities, and drive the growth and adoption of the Python programming language across Africa.

      I am running for the PSF board this year to further contribute to the adoption and growth of the Python programming language while helping more Pythonistas have access to opportunities. Being on the PSF board will give me the opportunity to champion the key developmental goals below:

      Accelerate Fundraising drive:

      Having worked on 6 major fundraising projects for non-profits and sponsorship for community programs/events, I understand how difficult fundraising can be. When I become a member of the PSF board I will be helping to create and execute effective fundraising strategies. I will work with the Public Support Committee (PSC) to create compelling fundraising proposals/ads, create new value-driven fundraising initiatives and foster a better PSF-Industry (donors) relationship to improve funding for the PSF.

      Raise the bar on learning & skill development:

      In my over 5 years of leading and participating in Python community activities, I've come to understand that meetups and conferences are great but not enough. When I become a member of the board of the PSF, I will be helping to create specialized learning and skill development programs that will accelerate learning for new and existing users of the Python programming language and its frameworks. These programs will leverage the open-source ideology for knowledge pooling, sharing, and mentorship within and across different Python communities. This will not only accelerate learning and skill development but also foster inter-community collaborations and networking.

      Initiate a talent placement pipeline program/platform:

      Scouting through various job boards (including jobs from the Python Job Board list) when looking for a job can be quite daunting. How about simplifying this task for Pythonistas by creating a pool of vetted talent from which employers can source candidates? When I become a member of the PSF board, I will work with the Python Job Board Work Group to create a robust talent vetting and placement pipeline that will help more people find employment. This will be done in collaboration with hiring companies to simplify their talent sourcing and hiring processes. The program/platform can also become a fund-generating avenue for the PSF.

      I count on your vote to make these goals a reality. Thank you.

  • Nomination Statements:
    Nomination by: Marlene Mhangami

    I would like to endorse Kelvin Oyanna for the PSF board of directors. Kelvin was one of my co-organizers for the first and second editions of PyCon Africa. Kelvin was an active member of our team and was always reliable and a delight to meet in person at the conference. He is currently based in Nigeria and chairs PyCon Nigeria. The Python community in Nigeria is the biggest community in Africa and I've enjoyed seeing Kelvin be a leader in this growing group. Kelvin is a strong speaker and his organizational skills would be an asset to the board.

    As many of you know I have continued to advocate for the presence of Africans within the community and in leadership. I'd love to see Kelvin join the board and share his perspective and unique insights. I hope you consider joining me in adding Kelvin's name to your ballot.

    Marlene Mhangami

Paolo Melchiorre

Nomination details
  • Name: Paolo Melchiorre
  • Previous Board Service: New board member
  • Employer: 20tab
  • Other Affiliations: Python Italia (member), PyCon Italia (co-organizer), Django Software Foundation (member), Python Pescara (founder and organizer), Django Girls (coach and organizer), DjangoItalia group (member), Django Italian translations group (admin), Jazzband (member)
  • Nominee Statement:

      I’ve been a Python developer and member of the Python community for more than 15 years, in which I’ve contributed to various Python-based projects (e.g. Python, Plone, Django, Psycopg, Pelican) in different areas: documentation, code, project website and translation (eg. Italian). I’ve presented a lot of Python talks in meetups and conferences, including PyCon (US, IT, DE, LK), DjangoCon (US, EU), EuroPython, and others. I've organized a local Python meetup in my hometown in Italy, helped organize PyCon Italia, and volunteered in some Pythonic conferences. I’ve organized and participated in many sprints on Python-based frameworks (es: Zope, Plone, Django). I’ve written many articles on Python and Django and I’m a promoter of them online. I participated as a coach in DjangoGirls workshops and I’ve organized one in my city.

      Each of these activities has made me grow as a developer, community member, and human being and I think serving on the PSF board can be a way to give back to the Python community what I have received.

      As a member of the PSF board, I’d like to bring a different point of view, close to newcomers, who live and work in small realities and who do not speak English as their first language or do not speak it at all. I’d like to work to remove some language and cultural barriers that still remain for some members of the community.

      I’d like to increase collaboration with the Python community and create synergies with other sub-communities to make Python grow again in different fields (eg. organizing sprints with friendly communities to discuss or work on common projects (e.g. discuss ASGI with Django, Flask, Starlette, FastAPI or DB-API with SQLAlchemy, Django ORM, SQLModel, Peewee).

Iqbal Abdullah

Nomination details
  • Name: Iqbal Abdullah
  • Previous Board Service: None
  • Employer: LaLoka Labs LLC
  • Other Affiliations: The PSF, PyCon JP, PyCon APAC and EuroPython Society
  • Nominee Statement:

      Hello, my name is Iqbal Abdullah and this is my nomination statement for a seat on the PSF board for the 2023 elections.

      I am the founder and sole owner of LaLoka Labs, building an AI-based content generation SaaS called Kafkai.

      Within the context of my work within the Python community, I am a member of the Trademarks WG and the Diversity And Inclusion WG of the PSF. I am and have been an active member of the Python community mainly in East and South East Asia. I mainly spend my time talking about the need for diversity and also bringing attention to the very diverse community that we have within our Python communities.

      I also ran for a board seat multiple times in the past. Here are my nomination statements for my campaigns in the year 2020, 2021 and 2022.

      Within the past year, I have been to EuroPython and PyCon US 2023 (read about it on our blogs here and here) and was invited to be part of the D&I panel discussion to explain what does the D&I WG do (see the videos here and here)

      East Asia and South East Asia have one of the biggest and most diverse communities of Python developers and users and is the fastest growing segment of our community but it has been underrepresented for the longest of time. This has denied them access to the larger network of the global Python community which affects the flow of ideas, interaction and funding. They have done well in their own right, but we're starting to see disparity and discontent.

      If you have read my nomination statement up to this point, thank you. There is one VERY IMPORTANT thing that I would like you to do.

      My compatriots from my region are also running for a seat on the board this year. Their names are Kwon Han, Cheuk Ting Ho and also Georgi Ker.

      They have done a wonderful job bringing up the communities they are involved in and have worked hard to connect with the other communities outside of the Asian region. They represent the best of the best of the best of what we have in East and South East Asia, and we all know we need the best from all parts of our communities to bring us further into the future.

      All of them are more than qualified and should be on the Board, but at least one of them MUST be on the Board.

      Please vote for every one of them. Please vote for Kwon Han, Cheuk Ting Ho and Georgi Ker.

  • Nomination Statements:
    Nomination by: Jannis Leidel

    Iqbal has been a cornerstone for the Python community in Asia and instrumental for the PSF to understand this part of the Python community better. He has worked actively on the PSF trademarks and diversity & inclusion working groups, both of which profited from his perspective and experience immensely. I'm fully convinced that he would be an asset to the board and the foundation and provide essential input in realizing the PSF's mission of facilitating the growth of a diverse and international community.