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Nominees for 2024 Python Software Foundation Board Election

Darrell Jenkins

Nomination details
  • Name: Darrell Jenkins
  • Previous Board Service: New Board Member
  • Employer: 1st Security Bank
  • Other Affiliations: PuPPy (Puget Sound Programming Python)
  • Nominee Statement:


      Location: Washington State, USA

      My love for programming began in childhood from when the Commodore 64 was a thing, to experimenting with BASIC and Pascal. After living a diverse life full of other interests, I jumped headfirst into Python in July 2023. I absolutely love the Python programming language and the community around it! The PyCascades 2024 sessions were incredible, and I am so grateful that I was in a position to attend in person.

      More importantly, I firmly believe that my service to the Python Software Foundation would bring a unique perspective and set of capabilities that would be of great value to the Python community. Commitment to something so important as this requires the ability to see projects through to completion and knowing when to pivot or adjust course. It involves recognizing the value and strength of the team effort which includes not only the Board, but the entire Python community.

      Community Contributions

      Although the PuPPy (Puget Sound Programming Python) monthly meetings are a good 2.5-hour drive away from my location, I have strived to be actively involved both in person and via Slack. In fact, I had the privilege of giving an in person lightning talk in April 2024. My theme was “Learning How to Learn Python” ( The best part of that experience was being able to help newcomers feel understood, and also making so many connections in the Python community. Between October 2023 and March 2024, I volunteered with West Sound CoderDojo in Silverdale, WA helping kids and their parents find a welcoming, helpful local venue to celebrate coding. Outside of Python, I participate as a member of the Clallam County Economic Development Council and the North Olympic Development Council.

      Most notably, in 2023 I began reflecting on how to better serve local business owners. People needed a place to gather that did not require membership fees but still had value. So in June 2023 I Co-Founded the It’s All About YOU – Business Networking Group. It provides a platform where people can meet and share what makes them successful, and also share challenges they have. Our one-hour meetings are designed to provide brief practical educational segments (like fraud prevention), feature a local nonprofit guest speaker, and then the remaining time is for everyone to interact with each other. The program has been well received and I hope to expand it into additional regions.


      I grew up in a town that hosted people of all backgrounds and I love getting to know people of all diversities. I am a pianist and published popular science author. My book First Light and Beyond – Making a Success of Astronomical Observing was published in 2015 by Springer as part of the Patrick Moore Practical Astronomy Series. As a commercial banker in my local community, I help educate business owners on how they can gain access to valuable resources to help their businesses thrive. The best part is seeing their business grow after I help them acquire those resources. These combined aspects of my background will help serve the PSF and the community by offering creativity, advanced writing skills, and a solid financial framework. Having experienced entry into Python myself over the last 10 months or so would also help me to serve the PSF as an authentic voice and advocate for newcomers to the Python language and its community.


      The following are just a few ideas that I believe would be helpful to the Python community if I were to serve as a PSF board member.

      Communication: Communication is not simply the belief that we have delivered information to the recipient. It involves a mutual understanding that real communication and a beneficial exchange of ideas has taken place. I want to help make that happen. Additionally, we need cross pollination, not only between the PSF and Core Developers to Python enthusiasts, but also between the PSF to Core Developers. The community would also love to hear more often from both the PSF and Core Developers in various ways that are truly accessible.

      Transparency: It’s important that people who are passionate about Python and its community better understand the processes, procedures, and challenges that are normally behind the scenes. While excess details are not needed, a more open look at Python’s key people (and their activities) can be helpful to inspire greater participation while helping mold Python’s innovators and leaders of tomorrow.

      Education: After spending 10 years teaching piano to children and adults, I am passionate about education. I believe that we can do so much more to promote education around the Python language which will not only benefit the Python ecosystem but also help bring people together. Strong communities are the glue of humanity. Better training for volunteers and staff for Python’s annual events will also benefit everyone by extending the already inclusive environment to be more welcoming, encouraging, and engaging.


      I am a professional, experienced candidate who brings a unique perspective to what it means to support the Python community. As an amicable, agreeable person I am someone who can work in harmony with all kinds of people for the support of both existing needs and objectives of the Python Software Foundation, as well as contribute fresh ideas to help propel us forward into new territory. I am committed to sustained efforts of valuable contributions to this community, and I know you are too.

Karo Ladino

Nomination details
  • Name: Karo Ladino
  • Previous Board Service: New board member
  • Employer: EXIT83
  • Other Affiliations: PyLadies Colombia, PyLadies Bogotá, PyLadies Medellín, PyLadies Cali, Python Colombia, PyCon Colombia.
  • Nominee Statement:


      Hello, I am Karo Ladino-Puerto, also known as Karobot. I've been leading PyLadies Colombia since 2018, dedicating my time to organizing and coordinating events and sponsorships for Bogotá, Medellín, and Cali. My main goal is to increase the presence of women in the tech industry through various initiatives such as blogs, panels, activities, workshops, networking events, and collaborations with companies to facilitate women's entry into the tech sector. I've been a Python Software Foundation fellow since 2020. Additionally, I founded a community for Product Management called "Mujeres y Producto" (in English: Women and Product), emphasizing that development, creation, and diversity in the digital world are essential not only from where we come from but also to where we are going.

      Contributions to the Python Community

      Over the past few years, I've worked to empower women in the Python community. I've organized numerous events in various cities across Colombia, focusing on creating workshops and activities that foster learning and confidence in women's tech skills. Moreover, I've collaborated with companies to sponsor events and provide job opportunities for women, facilitating their entry into the tech industry. My commitment to the community extends through writing blogs and participating in panels that highlight the importance of diversity and inclusion in tech. I've been a keynote speaker at PyLATAM and PyCon Bolivia and have co-organized PyCon Colombia since 2020. Furthermore, I've given talks at PyDay Cali, PyDay Pereira, and many other Python events. I've also helped organize Django Girls Workshops, PyLadies events, and the Humble Data Workshop in Colombia and Mexico.

      How I can contribute to the PSF Board

      With my experience leading PyLadies Colombia and my deep understanding of the needs and challenges women face in technology, I can bring a valuable perspective to the Board. I am committed to organizing and promoting initiatives encouraging women's participation in the Python community, including mentorship programs, specialized workshops, and networking events. Additionally, I've experience collaborating with companies and organizations to secure resources and support that benefit the community. Understanding the needs and challenges of people from Latin America, I can help the board create initiatives that address the unique aspects of our large and diverse community. I'm also pretty fun to be around 😅

      Why I want to join the PSF Board

      My desire to join the PSF Board stems from my passion for promoting diversity and inclusion within the Python community. I aim to create an environment where women feel safe, supported, and valued. My goal is to increase women's confidence and presence in all aspects of Python development and maintenance, leveraging the visibility we have gained and working to overcome the challenges we still face. In addition to my efforts in organizing and creating spaces for sharing and growth, I want to expand my commitment to the Python community. I am a very detail-oriented person who believes that, even in community work, we should always strive for the best possible outcomes. I believe in over-communicating to ensure that everyone understands and feels understood. Communication is key to ensuring all parties are on the same page. I value reliability, empathy, and giving. I believe not everything requires a huge budget; it's more about the mindset and how we organize ourselves. At the end of the day, seeing the smiles of people in my community and knowing I've touched lives fulfills me.

      Objectives as a Board Member

      As a member of the PSF Board, my objectives include:

      • Increasing the visibility and confidence of women in the Python community.
      • Promoting mentorship and professional development initiatives.
      • Working closely with other organizations to foster an inclusive and diverse environment.
      • Listening to multiple communities in as many languages as possible to understand what the Python community wants in the coming years and how the language is evolving. Based on current trends and information, I aim to identify the events, groups, and activities the Python Software Foundation can promote.
      • Helping document these processes and sharing outreach about what the Python Software Foundation does, contributing to content creation and information for everyone willing to engage in activities alongside the Foundation. Improving communications towards the Latin American audience, ensuring Spanish content is on par with English content. Also, helping other languages participate. Additionally, helping to define content strategies to increase awareness of initiatives, making them clearer and more impactful.


      I am committed to providing opportunities and support to the Python community, working to achieve greater diversity, equity, and inclusion. I firmly believe in creating environments where all individuals, regardless of their background, gender, or ability, have equal opportunities to participate and thrive. I am ready to take on this challenge and make a meaningful contribution to the growth and continued success of the Python community.

  • Nomination Statements:
    Nomination by:

    Pyladies Colombia Python Colombia My hero

    Nomination by: Denny Perez

    I am nominating Karo Ladino for the current election to the PSF Board because I have witnessed firsthand the incredible work she has done for the Python community. Karo leads the PyLadies Colombia community and has been instrumental in organizing PyCon Colombia. Her dedication and energy are truly inspiring.

    Karo has been tirelessly organizing events across various cities in Colombia, creating workshops and activities that help women develop their tech skills and build confidence. She has also worked with companies to sponsor events and provide job opportunities for women, helping them break into the tech industry.

    Beyond her organizational efforts, Karo writes blogs and participates in panels to highlight the importance of diversity and inclusion in tech. Her leadership, passion, and commitment to the community make her an excellent candidate for the PSF Board.

    Karo's involvement in both Latin American and North American communities gives her a unique perspective that will be valuable for the PSF. She brings a lot of heart and enthusiasm to everything she does, and I am confident she will make a significant impact as a board member.

    Nomination by:

    Karolina has been organizer of PyCon Colombia for several years, she has worked tirelessly also for creating spaces where women are safe. I think that she could give a lot to the community if she's in the board

Mason Egger

Nomination details
  • Name: Mason Egger
  • Previous Board Service: No
  • Employer: Temporal
  • Other Affiliations: PyTexas Foundation
  • Nominee Statement:

      My Python Community Journey

      Hello! My name is Mason Egger. I am currently a Sr. Technical Curriculum Developer at Temporal Technologies, developing education materials around Temporal's open source offering. Prior to my work at Temporal, I held Developer Relations roles at and DigitalOcean, as well as Software Engineering roles at Vrbo and Forcepoint. I am also currently the president of the PyTexas Foundation

      I've been working in Python my entire career, first picking it up to work on a Django app while I was in college back in 2013. I began speaking at Python Conferences in 2019, starting with PyTexas. After this, I volunteered to help organize the PyTexas Conference in 2020, helping take the conference virtual. After a hiatus in 2021, the PyTexas Conference returned in-person in Spring of 2022 with me as the Conference Chair. It was at this time that I was also elected to serve as president of the board for the PyTexas Foundation, the non-profit organization that puts on the conference. I have served as Conference Chair for the 2023, 2024 and upcoming 2025 PyTexas Conference. In my time as president, I have overseen the rebirth of the PyTexas Conference attendance from 1/5th the typical attendance in 2022 to breaking every previous record in 2024 (our largest and most active conference yet).

      I have also led the PyTexas Foundation in its expansion in providing resources and programs to the Python community in Texas. I am one of the founding members of the PyTexas Community Discord and the PyTexas Virtual Meetup. I am also leading the effort to provide funding and resources to local Python meetups within Texas (Katy Python Coders & DFW Pythoneers) as well as revitalize dormant in-person meetups (San Antonio Python Learners and PyHou).

      I hope to bring my experience from rebuilding and fostering Python communities in Texas to the PSF Board.

      My Goals if Elected

      The Python Software foundation is already doing a fantastic job in regard to the Python Community. If elected, these are the primary objectives I would like to dedicate my effort towards:

      • Fostering the growth and development of local communities
      • Promote collaboration across global Python communities
      • Help source and attract more funding for the PSF and its mission

      Fostering the Growth and Development of Local Communities

      I strongly believe that the strength of the Python Community, and by extension the PSF, has its foundations in local communities. The majority of people active within the Python Community will never attend PyCon US, while even more will never attend a Python conference. These members make up our meetups, our online communities, contribute to open-source projects and more. By focusing on local communities, we meet the community where they are. As a result, we attract more members into the global community. By uplifting communities around the world, we create a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive space within the Python ecosystem.

      I would like to contribute to the work the PSF is already doing to support these various groups, and provide guidance, resources, and funding when needed.

      Examples of this could consist of: * Providing guides on how to start a meetup/conference, how to get grants from the PSF, possible venue ideas * Creating a network of speakers, both local and remote, who are willing to speak at events * partnering with specific companies like Galvanize or Capital Factory to provide in-person venue space for Python meetups in the area.

      Promote Collaboration Across Global Python Communities

      With the rise of virtual meetups and conferences over the past few years, it has become easier than ever to interact with Python communities across the globe. Prior to the foundation of Conference Chats, community organizers didn't have a consistent way of communicating with each other, or sharing resources (such as speakers, sponsor contacts, tools, etc.). I think it is the opportune time to create a network of Python community organizers to act as guides and collaborators across events.

      I would like to create a global community of Python community organizers where they can trade ideas, speakers, tips & tricks, and more. I hope this will encourage more collaboration across the Python communities across the world.

      Help Source and Attract More Funding for the PSF and its Mission

      The PSF has many programs that it generously funds within the Python community. These programs require money to run, and even more if new programs are desired. Current economic factors have led to a decrease in funding across the entire open-source ecosystem, with some programs having to close as a result. While the PSF is not currently in such dire circumstances, it is important to always work towards continual financial security.

      I would like to explore new funding mechanisms for the PSF outside the traditional donation based system, as well as try to attract more sponsors using the current system that is in place.


      Thank you for considering me for the Python Software Foundation Board of Directors. It is a great honor to be nominated. For more information about me, you can visit my website or find me on social media.

  • Nomination Statements:
    Nomination by:

    I wholeheartedly endorse Mason for the PSF board. Mason cares greatly about the Python community and ecosystem, and has poured many hours into building it up, not only vocationally and in organizing PyTexas, but also in advocating and supporting other regional Python conferences, meetups, and community in general. Mason has experience and interest in tech education generally, and consistently puts the language community as a whole ahead of himself and the organizations he is involved with, and would be a voice for local and regional community organizers on the PSF board.

    • David Antonini

Jeremy Tanner

Nomination details
  • Name: Jeremy Tanner
  • Previous Board Service: No
  • Employer: NVIDIA
  • Other Affiliations: None
  • Nominee Statement:

      I'm Jeremy Tanner, an organizer, speaker, sponsor, Python developer and community member.

      I believe in the mission of the Python Software Foundation; to promote, protect, and advance the Python programming language, and to support and facilitate the growth of a diverse and international community of Python programmers.

      I believe I can help the PSF carry out its mission.

      I'd like to work improving the sustainability of the PSF, its infrastructure projects, grants program, and events across all regions through a focus on fundraising and supporting membership growth. Messaging the value and work of the PSF to those able to contribute and serving as a PSF ambassador to adjacent communities.

      I've enjoyed being in the Python community as we grow to look more like the world. There's more room to grow and I'd like to help.

      Thanks for considering me, I hope to see you at something Python related soon!

      Also, I'm a 'Yes' vote on the three proposed bylaws changes on this ballot.

Greg Wilson

Nomination details
  • Name: Greg Wilson
  • Previous Board Service: New board member
  • Employer: Plotly
  • Other Affiliations: None
  • Nominee Statement:

      Python has been an important part of my life for a quarter of a century, so I would be grateful for a chance to serve its community as a member of the PSF board. I believe my experience has prepared me for doing so effectively: I co-authored the PEP that added sets to the language, am a Fellow of the PSF, helped make Python the first-year teaching language at Canada's largest university, and have written several books showing how to apply it to real-world problems.

      I also launched and then led a non-profit organization called Software Carpentry that now has thousands of instructors running workshops on basic computing skills in dozens of countries. Building that gave me first-hand experience of the challenges that non-profit organizations face; I hope that what I learned about fundraising, governance, community management, committee work, and managing changes in leadership will allow me to contribute to the PSF in meaningful ways.

      My other reason for nominating myself is that I don't like to leave things half-done. The first generation of open source contributors proved that volunteers working together can create world-class infrastructure and tools, but we are still struggling to make such work a viable career. Many people struggle to balance their desire to contribute with their need to pay their bills, while other simply burn out. If elected, I hope to help the PSF take the lead in tackling the sustainability crisis, and by doing so, help ensure that the Python community grows and thrives.

Monica Oyugi

Nomination details
  • Name: Monica Oyugi
  • Previous Board Service: No
  • Employer: Sasa Solutions
  • Other Affiliations: Pycon Kenya, Pycon Uganda, Django Software Foundation, DjangoGirls Kenya, and Django hangout
  • Nominee Statement:

      Over the past three years, I have had the privilege of organizing PyConKenya, where I have honed critical skills in event planning, team leadership, and fostering an inclusive environment. Beyond my organizational work, I have also mentored numerous aspiring Python developers, helping them find their footing within the community. I am deeply committed to growing the Python user base, particularly in underrepresented regions, and I would bring this same dedication to the PSF Board.

      In addition to my community leadership experience, I am also an accomplished Python programmer with a track record of innovative problem-solving. I have contributed to several widely adopted open-source packages, and I have a history of identifying pain points within the community and spearheading creative solutions. On the PSF Board, I would leverage this technical expertise to provide valuable insights and help address the evolving needs of Python users worldwide.

      Diversity, equity, and inclusion are core values that I have championed throughout my involvement in the Python community, and I would continue this important work as a member of the PSF Board. I am excited by the prospect of contributing to the growth and evolution of Python on a global scale after seeing how PSF contributes to other communities at PyconUS2024, and I would be honored to serve in this role.

Abigail Dogbe

Nomination details
  • Name: Abigail Dogbe
  • Previous Board Service: Never
  • Employer: University of Cincinnati
  • Other Affiliations: Python Africa, PyLadies Global, Black Python Devs, Django Software Foundation.
  • Nominee Statement:

      I am Abigail Mesrenyame Dogbe, an open-source community builder, programs manager, researcher, and STEM education advocate from Ghana who loves seeing people empowered by technology. My initial experience with Python was at my first Django Girls Accra experience as a mentee. I subsequently joined the Python Ghana community and eventually became the lead for the PyLadies Ghana community. Although I wrote code around that time, I developed a deep passion for bringing people together to learn, share resources and network. Throughout the years, together with other volunteers, I helped organize several Python events for the Ghanaian and African Python Communities, such as Python Ghana, PyData Ghana, PyCon Africa, etc..

      Being curious and excited to connect more Pythonistas from our global communities with the PyLadies Ghana community, I started contributing to PyLadies Global through the communications team and inviting guest speakers and facilitators to our events. Gradually, I encouraged and supported the start of new PyLadies chapters across Africa and other parts of the world. I have been contributing to PyCon US over the years as an online and in-person volunteer and at the PSF booth, the recently held PyCon 2024 inclusive. I led the lightning talks session and look forward to continuing in this regard at future PyCons.

      Through these commitments, I have found purpose in contributing to Open Source through community building. I am poised to do more to serve others while spreading Python, particularly within Africa and the global community.

      Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) efforts I have spoken at global conferences such as EuroPython, DjangoCon US and advocated for the spread and use of Python in Africa. Mentored at several Django Girls events in Ghana and co-organized Django Girls PyCon Africa. Hosted, organized and collaborated on several events for PyLadies Ghana, increasing the participation of women in the Python Community. Ensuring that people from French-speaking African countries are included in continent-wide Python events. Spoke on the PSF Diversity and Inclusion workgroup panel at PyCon US 2024 about Python community building in Africa and its challenges. Conducting ongoing research in Open Source Governance focused on increasing DEI in open-source community leadership Started a book drive known as Books for Techies, where I donate books to people getting started with their Tech careers in Africa

      Awards and Recognitions Outstanding PyLady Award Recipient (2024) DSF Individual Member (2022) PSF Community Service Award Recipient (2020) Google Open Source Peer Bonus Award Recipient (2020) PyDev of the week (2020) PSF Fellow (2019)

      Goals Advocate for Pythonistas in Africa Revive the Outreach and Education workgroup at the PSF to help provide educational resources, especially to students, while connecting academic institutions and industry partners to collaborate. Bringing the francophone Python communities located within Africa closer to the PSF Collaborating with other members of the board to achieve the mission and vision of the Python Software Foundation. Creating a pipeline and encouraging others to take up leadership roles and opportunities within our community.

      Thank you for your support and consideration, and I hope I am given the opportunity to serve.

  • Nomination Statements:
    Nomination by: Georgi Ker

    Abigail Dogbe is a remarkable PSF member, open-source contributor, and leader in the Python community, particularly known for her leadership and community-building efforts in Ghana. She has been instrumental in founding and expanding Python and PyLadies communities across the country and beyond.

    Abigail's contributions include setting up six PyLadies chapters in Ghana and playing key roles in establishing PyLadies communities in Ethiopia, Liberia, and Zambia. She has also contributed significantly to PyCon Africa and PyCon Ghana. Abigail represents underrepresented voices, especially in the African region, and will bring valuable experience, knowledge, and compassion to the board.


Nomination details
  • Previous Board Service: No
  • Employer: Universidad Nacional de Salta (Fac Cs Naturales. Sec. Extension Universitaria. CUEPO Rectorado. CONICET Argentina)
  • Other Affiliations: Metadocencia, Entidades Privadas
  • Nominee Statement:

      In Northern Argentina we develop technology activities in the "Society or Community", sharing training and research experiences in the university environment, this impacts positively on the "Society or Community" in all its age groups and all academic levels. With Python Philosophy (since 2014), everything turned out much better. We are sharing these experiences, achieved knowledge and developed infrastructure ( in as many small cities or towns in the North of Argentina and in cities of bordering countries. We are close to the center of South America. (Ciudad-de-Salta/@-24.78809,-65.4116669). We are strengthening the groups of young people formed in the North, West and East region of Argentina and if possible in South American cities. Being part of the Board is a very good and motivating circumstance. We will continue working, beyond the results, as now, putting together the nomination in the middle of a teaching trip. We know that reality simply happens and we must know how to react in order to achieve a better present and future for young people.

      Thank you for your time!

  • Nomination Statements:
    Nomination by: Denny Perez

    I am nominating Ariel Silvio Ramos for the PSF Board because of his work with Python Norte in Argentina, where he has helped low-income youth access technology through events and workshops. His efforts have made a positive impact by providing educational opportunities and inspiring young people to explore careers in tech.

    Ariel’s involvement in both LATAM and North American Python communities shows his dedication to promoting diversity and inclusion. His passion for making technology accessible to all will bring valuable perspectives to the PSF Board.

    I believe Ariel will be a valuable addition to the PSF Board.

Ali Tavallaie

Nomination details
  • Name: Ali Tavallaie
  • Previous Board Service: New board member
  • Employer: sengis ai
  • Other Affiliations: TehPug managing member , volunteer bioinformatics researcher, open source advocacy
  • Nominee Statement:

      I am honored to nominate myself for the position of Director on the Board of the Python Software Foundation (PSF). With extensive experience in Python development and a deep commitment to community engagement, I believe I can contribute significantly to the Foundation’s mission.

      Background and Experience I have been an active member of the Python community for over a decade, with experience ranging from standalone applications to backend systems and AI solutions. For the past few years, I have served as one of the managing committee members of TehPug, a 10-year-old community that participates in organizing PyCon in Iran. Our monthly meetings attract nearly 200 participants. Unfortunately, due to the situation in Iran, we do not have the same level of international activity or communication as communities in European countries. We aim to change this for the sake of knowledge and experience sharing. You can view my contributions on the Python Wiki.

      My daily work involves using Python, and I have hosted numerous talks, meetups, and workshops aimed at empowering non-programmers, such as non-CS students, professionals in finance and accounting, and mechanical engineers, to use Python for automating repetitive tasks. These efforts not only expand the reach of Python but also equip individuals with valuable skills.

      In addition to my technical contributions, I have actively worked to expand the Python community in regions with limited access to technology. I have led initiatives to introduce Python programming to underserved populations, providing them with the tools and knowledge to improve their career prospects. This includes organizing educational events and setting up community support systems in areas with poor internet access.

      Statement of Concerns

      My primary motivation for seeking a position on the PSF Board of Directors is to bring attention to the challenges faced by underrepresented and underserved communities within the Python ecosystem.

      1. Access to Education: There are significant barriers to education for girls in Afghanistan. The denial of educational opportunities for these girls is a grave concern that needs to be addressed.
      2. Internet Access: In countries like Iran, many people do not have reliable internet access due to both technical limitations and wide censorship, which severely limits their ability to learn and contribute to the Python community. The PSF can work with PyPI mirror providers to improve access in the MENA region, provide more offline shareable materials in local languages, and support local Python groups that may need OFAC licenses, making these accessible with the help of the PSF.
      3. Support for Persian-speaking Communities: There is a notable absence of PyLadies chapters and Python support for Persian-speaking girls in Iran, Afghanistan, and other Persian-speaking countries.
      4. Community Building in Arabic-speaking Countries: Even in relatively stable countries like Oman, there is a lack of a strong Python community, which I believe is partly due to cultural barriers.

      Commitment to Advocacy

      My candidacy is driven by a commitment to tell the stories of these underserved communities. It is not about whether I am elected or not; what is important is that the voices of these communities are heard. I want to highlight the impact that strong, inclusive communities can have in enabling individuals to find new opportunities and overcome societal barriers.


      I am excited about the possibility of serving on the PSF Board of Directors and contributing to the Foundation’s efforts to create a more inclusive and supportive Python community. Thank you for considering my nomination.

Ivy Fung

Nomination details
  • Name: Ivy Fung
  • Previous Board Service: -
  • Employer:
  • Other Affiliations: PyCon MY, PyCon APAC
  • Nominee Statement:

      I am Ivy Fung from Malaysia. Since 2019, I have been actively involved in organizing PyCon Malaysia. I volunteered to be the chairperson for PyCon APAC 2020 and had to face the challenge of turning the event around to be a virtual event in a short time. The following few years were a tough recovery period, just like all other PyCons were facing. Through these years, the PyCon MY team has learned valuable lessons, and I think the following 3 are the main learning I have:

      1. It is important to have support from other communities. We received support from PyCon communities and other communities around the world. I realized, that to receive help, others need to know that we exist and are active.

      2. We need to know who to reach out to. That means to actively participate in the communities.

      3. To know our vision and have the community in our hearts. That would drive us through the tough time.

      My Objectives in Running for the Board

      My experiences with Python communities past 5 years have encouraged me to step up to be for roles outside of Malaysia. There are 2 main objectives I am running for the board, and they are bilateral:

      1. Stand up and be counted. The Malaysian community has been around for more than 10 years and has been running PyCon MY annually without fail, no matter how tough the time was. To continue supporting the community, to have the community's voice to be heard is one of the factors. As PyCon MY is one of the active communities of the APAC region, our presence is not only about Malaysia, but a larger community, particularly South East Asia where presence in PSF needs improvement.

      2. Communicating the goals of PSF: I must admit that I know very little about the Python community in general for the first few years I have been organizing PyCon MY. I started actively to understand and share more about Python communities and participated in other PyCon and PyLadies events after I got to know more about it. The better way to be more involved is to help others to know more and to be more connected, and the best way is to be involved with upholding PSF’s vision and mission.

      My experiences and work-in-progress:

      • Organized PyCon MY since 2019
      • Chairperson for PyCon APAC 2020. Successfully transitioned PyCon APAC 2020 to an online format due to the global pandemic. This event focused on panel discussions with speakers from different industries and communities to share their experiences and points of view.
      • Established connections with PyCon organizers regionally.
      • Volunteered for translation and emceeing at PyLadies events.
      • Actively participated and spoke in PyCons across the APAC region.
      • Aimed to make PyCon MY more sustainable
      • Groom successors.
      • Collaborated with local authorities and communities to promote PyCon MY.

      *中文版* 我是来自马来西亚的 Ivy Fung**。自 2019 年以来,我一直积极参与筹办 PyCon Malaysia。我自愿担任 PyCon APAC 2020 的主席,并不得不面对在短时间内将活动转变为线上活动的挑战。接下来的几年是一段艰难的恢复期,就像所有其他 PyCon 所面临的一样。这些年来,PyCon MY 团队学到了宝贵的经验教训,我认为以下 3 点是我学到的重点:

      1. 获得其他社区的支持很重要。我们得到了 PyCon 社区和世界各地其他社区的支持。我意识到,要获得帮助,其他人需要知道我们的存在和并且保持社区的活跃。

      2. 我们需要知道该联系谁。这意味着要积极参与社区活动。

      3. 了解我们的愿景,以社区为的利益出发点。这愿景帮助我们度过艰难时期。


      过去 5 年我在 Python 社区的经历鼓励我站出来担任马来西亚以外的职位。我竞选董事会有两个主要的双向目标:

      1. 站出来并被重视。马来西亚社区已经存在了 10 多年。无论多么艰难,我门每年都坚持举办 PyCon MY,从未间断。继续支持社区,让社区的声音被听到是其中一个因素。由于 PyCon MY 是亚太地区活跃的社区之一,我们的存在不仅针对马来西亚,还针对更大的社区,特别是东南亚,PyCon MY 在PSF 中的存在需要加强。

      2. 传达 PSF 的目标:我必须承认,在筹办 PyCon MY 的最初几年里,我对 PyCon MY 以外社区的了解甚少。在对 Python 社区有了更多了解之后,我开始积极地了解和分享更多关于 Python 社区的信息,并参加了其他 PyCon 和 PyLadies 活动。我觉得,参与的更好方法是帮助其他人了解更多并建立更多联系,最好的方法是参与维护 PSF 的愿景和使命。

      我的经历和正在进行的工作: 自 2019 年起组织 PyCon MY PyCon APAC 2020 主席。由于全球疫情,成功将 PyCon APAC 2020 转变为线上形式。本次活动以小组讨论为主,来自不同行业和社区的演讲者分享他们的经验和观点。 与地区 PyCon 组织者建立联系。 在 PyLadies 活动中担任翻译和主持志愿者。 积极参与亚太地区 PyCon 并发表演讲。 旨在让 PyC​​on MY 更具可持续性 培养继任者。 与当地政府和社区合作推广 PyCon MY。

  • Nomination Statements:
    Nomination by:

    Organized PyCon MY since 2019 Chairperson for PyCon APAC 2020 Established connections with PyCon organizers regionally. Volunteered for translation and emceeing at PyLadies events. Actively participated and spoke in PyCons across the APAC region. Aimed to make PyCon MY more sustainable Collaborated with local authorities and communities to promote PyCon MY.

    Nomination by: Winnie Ke

    Ivy has been actively involved in organizing PyCon MY since 2019 and has demonstrated strong leadership skills as the Chairperson for PyCon APAC 2020. Her establishment of connections with PyCon organizers regionally showcases her ability to foster collaboration and build relationships within the community. Her participation and speaking engagements in PyCons across the APAC region have further solidified her expertise and credibility.

    Given Ivy's impressive track record and her passion for supporting and promoting the Python community, I believe she would be a valuable addition to the PSF board.

    Nomination by: WEI LEE
    • Organized PyCon MY since 2019
    • Chairperson for PyCon APAC 2020
    • Established connections with PyCon organizers regionally.
    • Volunteered for translation and emceeing at PyLadies events.
    • Actively participated and spoke in PyCons across the APAC region.
    • Aimed to make PyCon MY more sustainable
    • Groom successors.
    • Collaborated with local authorities and communities to promote PyCon MY.
    Nomination by: Younggun Kim

    I nominate Ivy for a new position on our board. It is with great enthusiasm that I put forward her name for your consideration, given her exceptional contributions and the potential she brings to our organization.

    Since joining the MY team in 2019, Ivy has consistently demonstrated outstanding leadership qualities. A prime example of her capabilities was her instrumental role in successfully organizing and executing the APAC event in 2020 as a chairperson. This achievement not only showcased her organizational skills but also highlighted her ability to navigate complex, large-scale projects with finesse.

    One of the key factors that make Ivy an excellent candidate for the board is her geographical location. Based in Malaysia, she is strategically positioned to expand our influence across the rapidly growing Asian region. Malaysia's proximity to other countries in Asia provides Ivy with a unique vantage point, allowing her to tap into regional trends, foster new partnerships, and extend our organization's reach.

    Nomination by: James Ing Wei Tang

    Ivy Fung joined PyCon MY since 2019 and has been a very dedicated member in the community.

    She also chaired PyCon APAC 2020, 2021 and 2022. During her chairmanship period, she had brought new ideas to PyCon MY, such as runnjng PyCon APAC 2020 as a panel discussion session, rather than a usual conference during the pandemic area.

    The greatest asset of Ivy Fung is she knows how to connect PyCon MY to different networks and communities through participating in the activities in other PyCons. To date she had participated in various PyCons, such as PyCon APAC, PyCon PH and also volunteering in Pyladies.

    Hence as a nominator, I will recommend to have Ivy in the board of directors.

    Nomination by: Pin Jui Chen

    I am pleased to recommend Ivy Fung for 2024 Python Software Foundation Board. Ivy has been a vital part of the Python community, particularly through her leadership in organizing PyCon Malaysia since 2019 and serving as Chairperson for PyCon APAC 2020.

    She ability to build strong regional connections with PyCon organizers and their volunteer work in translation and emceeing at PyLadies events demonstrate a deep commitment to fostering inclusivity and collaboration within the community.

    Ivy is also dedicated to making PyCon Malaysia more sustainable and developing future leaders. She activies participation as a speaker in various APAC PyCon events further showcases her passion and expertise.

    With a proven track record of community engagement and effective leadership, I am confident that Ivy will be an excellent addition to any team or project.

    Nomination by: Iqbal Abdullah

    Ivy has been one of the main organizers for PyCon MY and has done a wonderful job pulling the community together after a disastrous pandemic that nearly decimated the community in Malaysia. She is also active working with the regional community and groups such as PyLadies to increase diversity and inclusion within our APAC region.

    Ivy have been an instrumental member of our PyCon APAC community pushing for greater coordination and also upbringing of minority groups such as womenfolk and also geographically different communities in our region.

    Nomination by: KwonHan Bae
    • Ivy Fung has been involved with PyCon MY since 2019, serving as the Chairperson for PyCon APAC 2020 in Sabah, East Malaysia.
    • She aimed to bring PyCon MY closer to East Malaysians and offer a unique experience for international attendees.
    • When the pandemic hit, Ivy and her team successfully transitioned to an online format, emphasizing panel discussions and featuring global speakers.
    • She has fostered connections with regional PyCon organizers and contributed to PyLadies events and APAC PyCons.
    • Lately, she has focused on ensuring PyCon MY’s sustainability and mentoring future leaders by working with local communities and authorities.
    Nomination by: Winnie Ke

    Ivy has been actively involved in organizing PyCon MY since 2019 and has demonstrated strong leadership skills as the Chairperson for PyCon APAC 2020. Her establishment of connections with PyCon organizers regionally showcases her ability to foster collaboration and build relationships within the community. Her participation and speaking engagements in PyCons across the APAC region have further solidified her expertise and credibility.

    Given Ivy's impressive track record and her passion for supporting and promoting the Python community, I believe she would be a valuable addition to the PSF board.

Cristián Maureira-Fredes

Nomination details
  • Name: Cristián Maureira-Fredes
  • Previous Board Service: New board member
  • Employer: The Qt Company
  • Other Affiliations: Python en Español, PyLadies Berlin, Python Chile, Python Spain
  • Nominee Statement:



      My name is Cristián and I'm currently a Team Lead and Developer at The Qt Company, working mainly on the Qt for Python project, which is the official set of Python bindings for the Qt Project, which is written in C++. I'm originally from Chile 🇨🇱, but I have been living for the past 11 years in Germany 🇩🇪.

      I have been around to Python since 2009, while I was studying Computer Science back in my country. Afterward during my further studies, I used Python and C++ both for my Masters and Doctorate. So in a nutshell, Python has been around during my whole student/professional life.

      Around 2019 I decided to try and join a few Python events to see if it was a nice thing to do during my spare time, And since then I haven't stopped. My involvement in communities and initiatives (see last section) led me to join also conference organization teams as well, including PyConUS and EuroPython.

      I'm a hands-on person, that not only has ideas, but prefer to present tangible proof of concepts in order to improve processes and initiatives.

      My nomination goals are:

      • Maintain and improve the transparency
      • Improve communication and resources
      • Helping invisible communities and fellowship
      • Advocacy for PyCons and PyLadies

      that you can read in the following sections.

      Qualifications and Experience

      After being involved in many communities, i have the feeling that I will be a good fit to join the board dynamics in order to contribute to all the active initiatives.

      My experience from conferences will make me able to react quickly when problem arises, and do my best to have a friendly environment.

      And my professional experience will help me acquiring stakeholders requirements in order to find solutions that can improve the participation of people in the Python community but also having in consideration my technical background, I can easily approach conversation that involves CPython and Python development.

      You can read more about the initiatives I actively contribute in the final section of this statement.


      I want changes. My main goal is not to be around and keep doing what everyone is doing in the board, but to push for new ways of bringing more people to the PSF, by improving the way we communicate, and present our resources and initiatives.

      Maintain and improve the transparency

      The PSF board does a lot of things, do you know which ones? If the answer is no, you can quickly jump to where you can discover that most of the members provide monthly reports of their activities. I want every PSF member to be aware of those reports, so they can check the progress of everyone behind the board.

      I firmly believe that having official channels where those reports are shared, and even more important, to keep track of the individual goals that people promised in their nominations is crucial to keep people posted. Personally, I adopted a format of daily logs of my contributions that I will keep around for my own Board duties.

      There are other processes that the PSF is in charge as well, that as long as there is information that can be public, we could communicate and highlight how did it happen, like the recent hires for PyPI, PSF staff, etc, so people can be closer to our decisions. The same with the grants, I believe the board can be transparent on recommendations for good practices while requesting grants, sharing at the same time negative points that some might have, so people is able to improve their applications.

      Improve communication and resources

      The resources we have under are essential to the participation of more people in the PSF for the working groups, join as members, apply for grants, etc. However, the way the information is presented can be improved in order to be a proper resource hub.

      I would like to migrate the content to a documentation-focused web that can be better indexed, easy to navigate, and that people can contribute to, specially with their translations. The PSF website needs to be an example of i18n and a10y, and our resources needs to be presented in a way that anyone can find any topic when needed.

      Similarly, we need to document our working groups processes publicly (when possible) so people can suggest improvements, or even mimic what we do. Providing information about the working groups on the same page is essential to improve the participation from new faces.

      There has been lots of work on which is great, so I believe a proper resources/docs web for the PSF will complement that functionality perfectly.

      Helping invisible communities and fellowship

      For me, an invisible community is one that is formed by people that has been working through the years that most people is not aware of, that have no PSF fellows around, and no participation in big projects. Those communities are the key for the evolution of the PSF, and we need to nurture them, and do our best in order to recognize their work.

      Similarly, I'm aware of many communities that try to get PSF grants and have failed so far. Like I stated before, I would like to help them to get PSF help, not only to increase the percentage of grants we give to countries in other continents, but to let them know that it's in our full interest that they do get our support and they are important for us.

      I know organizers from South America, Central America, Africa and Asia that will be very happy if such initiative's scope could reach them out.

      During PyConUS 2024 I started an initiative with two active board members, to start gathering names of people that have been doing lots of the Python community and are not yet PSF Fellows, so we could promote them and enable them to keep looking for others that needs to be recognized

      Advocacy for PyCons and PyLadies

      Due to my contributions to different PyCon and PyLadies initiatives, I will be actively contacting organizers to provide the most feedback and support I can in order to improve their dynamics, engagement, and organization.

      I want to actively help the Global PyLadies Council to grow even further, by being around and being available to listen to any issue that might require the help from the board, and I believe my experience from PyLadies Berlin and PyLadiesCon has helped me understand how to support this amazing organization.

      Final words

      I know there are a lots of things to be done, and many hours per weeks needs to be used in order to make real progress, so part of my plan is to focus my attention to my PSF Board duties, delegating my other responsibilities to other community members, so I can have enough time for this new role.

      As any nomination, some of the goals might be impossible to achieve, but I want to ensure you I will do my best to fulfill them all, and if somethings falls down, I will provide you with the reasoning behind I couldn't achieve what I stated here.

      Community contributions

      I decided to keep track of my contributions since mid 2022 on a public repository but the following are the communities/initiatives/conferences I have helped with:

  • Nomination Statements:
    Nomination by: Pablo Lira

    Cristian is a great leader in the Python community in Chile, he has contributed his time and knowledge to the Python ecosystem in the country of Chile. It would be a great contribution to the international community and an excellent link with the Spanish-speaking community.

    Nomination by: Tania Allard

    Cristian is deeply involved in the Python community, both at regional and global levels. Wether he is organising a conference (PyCon Charlas, PyCon Chile, and more), building inclusive communities (Python en Español), leading and mobilizing volunteer groups (translation and localisation) or mentoring others, he always does it with an immense amount of care, kindness, and humility. And he always strikes the right balance between supporting and empowering others he works with.

    Cristian truly embodies our community standards and is one of the most relentless allies and advocates I know - he goes above and beyond to support the PyLadies Berlin chapter and other initiatives such as PyLadiesCon in a thoughtful way, while being aware of his role as an ally and ensuring he is not taking but creating space for those belonging to marginalised groups.

    I am sure he would make a unique and valuable contribution to the board and I'd like to endorse his nomination.

    Nomination by: Denny Perez

    I'd like to nominate Cristián Maureira-Fredes for the PSF Board of Directors. Cristián's contributions to the Python community over the past years have been outstanding, and I believe his dedication, vision, and passion make him an ideal candidate for the board.

    Working with Cristián in various communities and conferences has been inspiring. His commitment to fostering growth, inclusivity, and collaboration within the Python community is exceptional. I am genuinely proud to support his nomination, and I am confident he will excel in this role.

    Cristián has been a PSF Fellow since 2021, which shows his significant impact on the community. As the coordinator of the "Python en Español" initiative since 2020, he has worked tirelessly to create a unified space for Spanish-speaking Python enthusiasts. He maintains the official website, moderates the Discord and Telegram groups, and handles communication at various events.

    As a co-chair of PyCon Charlas, the Spanish track at PyConUS since 2022, Cristián ensures our voices are heard on an international stage. His work in translating and coordinating the Python Docs ES initiative shows his dedication to making Python accessible to everyone.

    Cristián is also a PyPI moderator, helping with project and upload size limits. He has supported Chilean Python communities in organizing their first PyDay and PyCon events, demonstrating his leadership and organizational skills.

    In addition, Cristián co-organizes PyLadies Berlin, where he helps with organizational tasks and mentoring. He has been involved with the Spanish Python Association and PyCon Spain, and has volunteered at EuroPython 2023. He is also co-organizing EuroPython 2024.

    Cristián played a key role in organizing the first PyLadiesCon in 2023 and Python Pizza Hamburg 2023. Both events were very successful and brought the community closer together.

    Cristián's passion for the Python community, along with his extensive experience and genuine desire to help others, make him an outstanding candidate for the PSF Board of Directors. He will bring valuable insights from his work with Spanish-speaking communities and the broader Python community, driving initiatives that will benefit us all.

    I wholeheartedly support Cristián's nomination and believe his leadership will help the PSF continue to thrive and evolve. He has my total and absolute support.

    Nomination by: Andres Pineda

    I am nominating Cristián for the Board for all their contributions to the Python Ecosystem. As a speaker, conference and meetup organizer, volunteer in different events, and many more.

    Among the different things Cristián has done for the Python Community, it is hard not to note:

    • "Python en Español" initiative Coordinator since 2020: Here, Cristian maintains the official website and Discord bot, moderates and administrates the Discord server, and also assists with the moderation of the Telegram group.

    • Co-chair of the PyCon Charlas (Spanish track at PyConUS) since 2022: For two years, Cristián has shown dedication and hard work co-organizing the Spanish Track at PyconUS. Some of the most critical tasks are talk selection, coordination with all the selected speakers, advocating for the PyconUS for those who did not know about the Spanish Track, and ensuring the Pycon Charlas keeps the same grade of the organization as the rest of Pycon, among many others.

    • PyPI moderator: In the last two years, Cristián has helped close 110+ Github issues in PyPI.

    • Translator and Coordinator for the Python Docs ES initiative. This initiative helped translate Python Docs into Spanish for the first time, and every year since then, for new docs or updates, Cristián has been crucial in organizing the translations and helping new translators join them.

    • Co-organizer of the first PyLadiesCon and Co-organizer of the PyLadies Berlin chapter. Cristián understands the importance of inclusion in the different Python communities and has made himself available to collaborate to create safe spaces for everyone who loves Python.

    I am confident that Cristián's participation in these various communities has positioned him as an excellent candidate, and his knowledge will benefit the PSF board and the greater Python Community.

    Nomination by: Dawn Wages

    Cristian has been an active member of the Python community for a long time. I'm so lucky to have grown from our Python conversations as we have met at this event or that. His kindness and intention are the first to greet you, then his earnest and engaged advocacy of the most marginalized in Python. He brings ideas forward that are thoughtful, pragmatic and well-informed with activities to drive them forward.

    His advocacy of the Spanish speaking Python community is long standing. From his work in translations, PyCon Charlas, Hacktoberfest, and Spanish Python events; his passion for lowering barriers for a community that has historically gone without programming resources is impressive and authentic. It doesn't stop there; in our discussions about changes to the Python website, representation on the Python board, ways that the Python Software Foundation can engage with the community and how we as Python community members can engage with each other starts locally and acts globally to improve Python every day.

    I would be thrilled to serve on the Python Software Foundation board with him.

    Nomination by: Maria Jose Molina Contreras

    I would like to nominate to Cristián Maureira Fredes.

    Cristián is an incredibly active and passionate individual who has made significant contributions to various Spanish-language initiatives within the Python community. His dedication is evident in his role as the maintainer of "Python en Español," which includes overseeing its official website (, Discord server, and Telegram group. Cristián's responsibilities also extend to handling merchandising and communication for various events and conferences.

    Additionally, Cristián has been the co-chair of PyCon Charlas since 2022, which is the Spanish track at PyConUS. He plays a crucial role in making sure that this aspect of the conference runs smoothly.

    Translating and coordinating efforts for the Python Docs ES initiative ( is another one of Cristián's responsibilities. His work on this project ensures that Spanish speakers have access to high-quality documentation.

    He has also been instrumental in helping various Chilean Python communities form a national association and organizing their first PyDay and PyCon with the approval and support from the PSF. He is an active member of Pyladies en Español as well.

    As a PyPI moderator since 2022, Cristián helps manage project/upload size limit requests, ensuring that the process runs smoothly for all users.

    Being a PSF Fellow since 2021 is another remarkable achievement by Cristián. This recognition speaks to his impact and influence within the Python community.

    Cristián's commitment to the Python community doesn't stop there. He co-organizes the PyLadies Berlin chapter, handling various tasks such as organization, design, and mentoring.

    A member of the Spanish Python association since 2020, Cristián volunteers and co-organizes the annual PyCon Spain conference in 2021, 2022, and 2023. He volunteers at EuroPython 2023 and co-organizes EuroPython 2024, where he leads the Programme team.

    Lastly, he co-organized the first PyLadiesCon in 2023, managing its website and infrastructure to ensure a successful event for all attendees. He is also a co-organizer of Python Pizza Hamburg 2023.

    Cristián's impact on the Python community is truly remarkable. His tireless efforts have made a significant difference in the growth and success of various initiatives, making him an invaluable asset to the global Python community. I am sure that he will bring valuable insights and value to the Board.

    Nomination by:

    I think that Cristian has done a lot of things for the community, he is a truly advocate of helping others, furthermore he has been the organizer of PyCon España and PyCon Chile. He is also the creator of several initiatives but the most beneficial for me has been "Python en Español", there I could join to study groups and also have found a lot of support of other people over around the world.

    Nomination by: Georgi Ker

    Cristián Maureira-Fredes is a prominent member of the Python Software Foundation (PSF) community, currently working at The Qt Company. His work primarily focuses on the Qt Core and Qt for Python teams, where he has been involved for over six years.

    Cristián is also a serial conference organizer and a significant community leader, contributing to numerous initiatives. He has helped translate Python documentation into Spanish and moderates PyPI. Dedicated to the growth of the LATAM Python community, Cristián fosters connections and shares knowledge. He is actively involved in EuroPython, PyLadiesCon, PyPizza, PyCon Charlas and many other events, constantly supporting the Python community. His presence at the board will be a great asset to the PSF.

    Nomination by: Débora Azevedo

    I'm honored to nominate Cristián for the PSF board of directors. He is a fine member of our community, with so many outstanding contributions. I have seen Cristián tirelessly work on projects he's passionate about, such as PyCon Charlas (which he is chair with Denny Perez), helping out in PyLadies Berlin, and the entire Python en Español projects, which brings the Spanish speaking Python community together. I believe he's fine tuned with PSF goals and a valuable person to have on the board to help the PSF strive on its mission.

Harishankar Vashishtha

Nomination details
  • Name: Harishankar Vashishtha
  • Previous Board Service: New board member
  • Employer: Blenheim Chalcot U.K., Data Scientist
  • Other Affiliations: Specialization in Data Science (AI & ML). Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science Engineering. Currently pursuing a Master's degree
  • Nominee Statement:

      Experienced Data Scientist skilled in Python, MySQL, Machine Learning, and NLP. Currently working at Blenheim Chalcot India. Strong ability to analyze data, excel in problem-solving, and deliver impactful results. Effective communicator with a talent for persuading others. Let's connect and collaborate!

Barbara Shaurette

Nomination details
  • Name: Barbara Shaurette
  • Previous Board Service: n/a
  • Employer: Vox Media LLC
  • Other Affiliations: PSF, PyLadies
  • Nominee Statement:

      My name is Barbara Shaurette, and I’m running for a seat on the board of the Python Software Foundation.

      Why am I qualified to join the PSF board? I know the community well. I’ve been an active member of the Python community for almost 20 years - less so in the past five because of a serious illness, but I’m finally returning to organizing and teaching this year, and I’ve stayed involved remotely during that time.

      I’ve worked as a Python (and sometimes Django) developer for most of that 20 years, almost all of it building applications and working with data in the media/journalism space. These days, I work as an SRE for Vox Media, putting my Python skills to work writing tools to help manage our infrastructure.

      I’ve been a PyLadies member and organizer since 2012. I co-founded PyLadies Austin and ran that group for its first year, heading up workshops and educational events. I also have extensive experience with teaching - from 2013 through 2017, I organized and taught the Young Coders workshops at PyCon US and at regional conferences around the United States. I’ve taught Python workshops aimed at beginners in Portland and Austin, and in 2015 I was a DjangoGirls organizer and coach in Austin. In 2017, I was honored to receive the Frank Willison Memorial Award for my contributions to Python education. I also spoke at the UN in 2016! (I’m only half-joking - that year, PyGotham was actually held at the United Nations and I gave a talk about Python pedagogy and organizing classes.)

      Why am I running? Because I care about the community that’s given so much back to me, and I want to see all of its members succeed. I’ve been advocating for women in programming throughout my career, but I know that creating equity is bigger than that. I’m a politically active person with strong opinions, but I am also dedicated to listening to what people need.

      I want to make sure the PSF builds on its legacy of supporting marginalized groups and expands its programs supporting them, through grants, education, communication and whatever other tools we have at hand. And I want new members of the community - new attendees at conferences, new contributors to Python libraries, new students learning Python - to feel as welcome as I did the first time I went to a Python conference. It’s the reason I’m still here many years later.

Anna Astori

Nomination details
  • Name: Anna Astori
  • Previous Board Service: New board member
  • Employer: Cigna Group
  • Other Affiliations: Python Boston, PyLadies Boston, Django Djangonaut
  • Nominee Statement:


      Hello, my name is Anna Astori. My academic journey began with a passion for linguistics, where I delved into the complexities of human language, its structures, and its nuances. However, in my free time, I absolutely enjoyed developing my first programs in Turbo Pascal on an IBM-386—yes, it was a while ago! These two passions led me to explore the intersections between language and technology, prompting my transition into computational linguistics and artificial intelligence through my master's program at Brandeis University. Since then, I have worked for several AI and data science-focused organizations, where I gained vast experience and an in-depth understanding of both the scientific underpinnings and practical implementations of AI technologies developed in Python.

      Contributions to the Python Community

      For a number of years, my Python journey has been driven by my commitment to community engagement, knowledge sharing, and mentorship. Among the activities I am engaged in are the following:

      ● I maintain a blog where I share tutorials, insights, and experiences related to Python programming. I hope that this platform serves as a resource for developers at all levels for continuous learning and exploration.

      ● I speak at meetups and podcasts, discussing Python trends, challenges, and opportunities, thereby reaching a broader audience and advocating for the language’s benefits and potential.

      ● I have volunteered as a technical reviewer for several Python programming books. This role has allowed me to contribute to the community’s educational resources.

      ● I volunteered as a judge for one of the Women Who Code (WWC) hackathons as a Python expert.

      ● My role on the review committee for one of the WWC conferences has enabled me to ensure that the conference's Python-related content is relevant, engaging, and of the highest quality.

      ● At one of my workplaces, I also mentored non-technical employees, guiding them in their transition into a tech career and helping them hone their Python programming skills.

      ● As a member of the Django’s Djangonaut program, I have started contributing to the Django framework.

      ● My co-organizer, Fay Shaw, and I have revived PyLadies Boston.

      I am particularly passionate about Python and community engagement, which inspires me to continuously contribute to the advancement of Python as a leading programming language across multiple domains.

      Objectives as a Board Member

      Leveraging my two years of experience as WWC Boston Director, one of my objectives is to promote DEI in the Python community and ensure overall thriving community engagement. This experience has also equipped me to work on marketing and fundraising campaigns and grant application procedures. On the other hand, leveraging my seven years of industry experience and deep domain knowledge, I would also like to focus on infrastructure and packaging improvements, as well as the overall advancement of Python as a go-to programming language in the scientific community.

Leandro Enrique Colombo Viña

Nomination details
  • Name: Leandro Enrique Colombo Viña
  • Previous Board Service: New Board Member
  • Employer: Mercado Libre
  • Other Affiliations: Python Argentina, (by SysArmy), FLISOL
  • Nominee Statement:


      I'm "lecovi," also known as Leandro Enrique Colombo Viña, from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I've been a member of the Python Argentina community since 2013, starting as a lurker in the mailing list and gradually becoming more involved. In 2014, with some tech friends, I co-founded bitson, a cooperative software development enterprise for small and medium-sized businesses in Argentina, utilizing Python and other open-source tools.

      In 2015, bitson, along with other cooperatives, successfully proposed and organized the Python Conference in Argentina. I proudly served as the Chair of the 8th PyCon Argentina in Bahía Blanca. Following years of discussion, a group of Python enthusiasts founded the Python Argentina NGO in 2016, and I have been its Treasurer ever since.

      Experience and Contributions

      • Open-Source Advocate: Passionate about open source since 2009.
      • Active Community Member: Frequent speaker at Python and open-source events since 2014.
      • Event Organizer: Instrumental in organizing numerous Python events in Argentina, including PyCons, PyDays, PyBeers, PyCamps, and meetups.
      • Python Argentina NGO Treasurer: Since 2016, managing the financial aspects of the organization.
      • PyCon Argentina 2016 Chair: Successfully led the 8th PyCon Argentina.
      • IT Professional: Over 10 years of experience in the IT industry.
      • Educator: Over 20 years of experience teaching and training individuals in IT.

      My Vision for the PSF

      • Expanding Reach in Latin America: I aim to help the PSF connect with more people in Latin America, fostering a larger and more diverse community.
      • Facilitating Onboarding: I want to make it easier for people in Latin America to learn and adopt Python by enhancing documentation and promoting the expertise of Latin American Python developers.

      Let's Connect!

      I'm eager to answer any questions you may have. Feel free to reach out to me through:

  • Nomination Statements:
    Nomination by: Denny Perez

    I am nominating Leandro Colombo for the current election to the PSF Board because of his significant contributions to the Python community. He has co-organized events like the 8th Python Argentina conference in 2016 and helped found the Python Argentina Civil Association, where he has served as Treasurer since its inception. Leandro is also a frequent speaker on Python, the community, and Open Source.

    Leandro is dedicated to creating spaces for the community to grow. His leadership and planning skills help achieve community objectives. His involvement in various LATAM communities provides valuable perspectives for a PSF board position, promoting diversity and offering unique insights.

    I believe Leandro has much to contribute as a PSF board member.

Filipe Laíns

Nomination details
  • Name: Filipe Laíns
  • Previous Board Service: New board member
  • Employer: Quansight Labs
  • Other Affiliations: Python Core Developer, Python Packaging Authority (member), PSF (contributing member), Arch Linux (package maintainer), pyOpenSci (maintainer)
  • Nominee Statement:

      Introduction 👋

      Hi everyone! My name is Filipe Laíns (they/them or he/him), and I am a self-taught developer from Portugal. I really enjoy tinkering with things and understanding how they work, which is how I got started with programming. My hobbies include electronics, physics, and culture. A lot of my time away from the computer is spent traveling and watching live shows.

      Feel free to jump to the goals section if you don't have much time to look at my background and motivation!

      Experience 🐍

      I have a deep technical background in both Python, and Linux packaging, and am currently employed at Quansight Labs, where I work on Python packaging. I am also a Python core developer and an active contributor to Scientific Python ecosystem.

      Here are some relevant key points of my experience:

      You can find more details about my technical work on my website and Github profile.

      As part of my work, I have also done a lot of outreach onto to many different parts of the Python community. The goal being to make sure they are heard and their concerns are taken into account during packaging and CPython development.

      On top of my technical background, I also have experience in community building and am an active member of the community.

      Outside Python, I have been volunteering and helping organize several local community events for many years, with a focus on culture, music, etc.

      Motivation 💭

      I am very passionate about the Python community and want to make sure everyone feels heard, included, and have the resources they need.

      One thing in particular I want to advocate for is a better user and developer experience. I believe this can be achieved by combining more outreach into Python communities and placing more resources on the Python packaging ecosystem. Seeing the work of the current board on supporting the Python core team, I am confident similar strides can be made on the Python user experience — particularly the new user experience — by putting resources into it.

      From my experience, both on the technical side and my outreach work, UX and packaging are critical areas that haven't been receiving much funding or attention. I believe the PSF can make a big impact on this, and that's what I want to advocate for. Over the years I have talked with many users about their frustrations, difficulties, and overall experiences in using Python for a wide variety of applications, so I feel strongly about my ability to advocate for them.

      Goals 🎯

      • Improve the user experience for new users, lowering the barrier of entry to Python, and programming in general.
        • E.g. Improve the process of getting started with Python, by improving the documentation, SEO, user experience (UX) consistency, binary distribution methods, etc.
      • Support the Python packaging community by providing them with the resources needed to achieve a better and more cohesive user experience.
        • E.g. Fund user experience (UX) and developer experience (DX) research and technical viability discovery work.
      • Engage with external stakeholders (e.g. distributors), as needed, in order to ensure the integrity of the Python distribution. This contributes to the two goals listed above.
      • Continue the PSF's work on supporting the Python core team, ensuring the longevity of the language.
      • Encourage collaboration between the various different Python communities and user groups, making sure everyone feels part of, and represented, in the Python community.
        • E.g. Reach out to user groups, and event organizers, for feedback more often. Create bridges between different parts of the community. etc.
      • Create a better path of discussion between the technical teams and the end users, by trying to incorporate feedback from user groups into the technical decision/design process.
        • E.g. Invest in user-advocacy work. Reach out to user groups and create and ask for UX and DX feedback. Have people who are skilled in UX and have some technical background act as bridges between users and technical stakeholders. etc.
  • Nomination Statements:
    Nomination by: Dawn Wages

    It's been a pleasure getting to know Filipe over the past few years. Our discussions over the health of the Python community have been thoughtful and much appreciated in my time on the board. Filipe has a perspective on the Python ecosystem, lowering barriers to entry and creating patterns that reduce friction, that transcends to the people in the community.

    I am confident that Filipe is a volunteer that takes care to research and understand the human systems supporting the Python language, identify potential points where the community could benefit from thoughtful and empathetic effort, listen to outside perspectives and then drive forward actions keeping in mind members needs over ego. I would be happy to work with them on the Python Software Foundation Board.

    We've specifically had conversations about packaging in the Scientific Python context, safety at Python events, programs that support the sustainability of Python projects and creating pathways for new developers.

    Nomination by: Cristián Maureira-Fredes

    I have known Filipe for a couple of years, and I was very surprised since the beginning by the amount of community work he has been doing in the many communities he has been involved in.

    Having a community driven personality and a technical background that's supported by his roles as CPython core developer and member of the PyPA, I believe he will keep improving the communication between those entities and the PSF Board.

    With a person focused on packaging and user experience in the board, I believe the scope of the board of directors will be improved, and they could manage to open a few research positions to improve the UX and DX aspects of Python.

    On a personal level, he is a very kind person, and I believe that his personality will not disturb the current board, and will find ways to position his opinion without generating disruptions.

    Nomination by:

    With enthusiasm, I nominate Filipe Lains for the PSF board. I admire the work that Filipe has done in the Python community. They are a devoted Python core developer and also have been involved in leading the packaging summit for the past few years at PyCon US - a really important and challenging area that needs more support from people like Filipe. Filipe also cares a lot about the community and some of the usability issues that are particularly challenging those newer to Python. These issues are exactly the type of things that we need people to stand up for on the PSF board. Filipe also cares about the community. Most recently Filipe has become more involved in pyOpenSci - an organization that is bridging the gap between the scientific Python community and the greater Python community particularly in the package area.

KwonHan Bae

Nomination details
  • Name: KwonHan Bae
  • Previous Board Service: 2023
  • Employer: LINE Plus Corporation
  • Other Affiliations: Python User Group of Korea, PyCon KR, PyCon APAC, PSF Conduct WG
  • Nominee Statement:

      One Year is Too Short

      One year is too short. Over the past year, I have learned a great deal from the PSF, and I would like the opportunity to contribute more to the community with this valuable experience.

      What I Learned as PSF Board Member

      Through my efforts to connect within the Asian region where I reside, I've come to realize something important. Not only in Asia but also in Africa and other regions, there are many talented individuals with the potential to contribute to the Python ecosystem. However, due to lack of connections or information, we are not collaborating with these individuals. I aim to strengthen and expand these unconnected areas.

      My involvement with the PSF's Conduct Working Group has taught me a great deal and clarified what we need to do. We have learned what aspects we need to consider and maintain to connect more and be more inclusive of a wider range of people. This is crucial for the growth and development of our community.

      My Vision and Experience for Python Community Growth

      First and foremost, I believe in the importance of community-based contributors, as opposed to only major library or core developers. While technical contributions are undeniably crucial, I firmly believe that a thriving, diverse, and inclusive community is equally important for the sustained growth and influence of Python worldwide.

      For over a decade, I have fostered such a community in Korea. My work has involved founding and leading a Python user group, thereby creating a solid platform for Python enthusiasts to share knowledge, collaborate, and grow together.

      My commitment to the Python community was exemplified when I delivered a lightning talk at PyCon US 2023. The talk provided a comprehensive overview of my vision and work. link

      When creating PyCon Korea, I was fortunate to receive significant support and guidance from friends in Japan and Taiwan, which was instrumental in the success of the initiative. This experience of international collaboration not only strengthened our local community but also enriched my understanding of community building. I am now able to pay this forward, using the insights and experiences gained to assist friends in other countries to develop their Python communities.

      In my professional capacity, I am currently employed at LINEYAHOO, a major messaging company based in Japan. Although the company primarily uses Java for application development, I, as a Site Reliability Engineer (SRE), strive to utilize Python in developing and managing the company's infrastructure. Further, I am actively encouraging developers within the company to adopt Python and participate in the wider Python community. This work reflects my belief in the value Python can bring to any organization and my commitment to its growth.

      Through the organization of user meetups, I have been instrumental in establishing community standards and propagating concepts such as the Code of Conduct. This model has since been adopted by various IT communities across Korea, with many looking to PyCon Korea as a standard of Community Driven IT Conference.

      My community-building efforts also extend to the international stage, where I have been part of the organization of PyCon APAC. Collaborating with teams across the region has granted me a broader perspective on the diverse needs and potential of the Python community in the Asia Pacific.

      Having led PyCon Korea for nine years, I am currently working on transitioning leadership to the next generation, a process that has further honed my skills in cultivating leadership and ensuring the sustainability of community initiatives.

      In conclusion, my experience and commitment to the Python community, both locally and internationally, equip me well for the Director position within the PSF. I am eager to leverage my passion for community building and my leadership experience to contribute to the Python Software Foundation at this higher level.

      Thank you for considering my nomination. I look forward to the possibility of serving the Python community in this capacity.

  • Nomination Statements:
    Nomination by:

    I am honored to nominate Kwon Han for re-election to the Python Software Foundation Board. Over the past year, his leadership has significantly impacted the Python community, both locally and internationally. His efforts in fostering a diverse and inclusive environment are exemplary, and his work with PyCon Korea and PyCon APAC has set high standards for community-driven IT conferences. As a Site Reliability Engineer at LINEYAHOO, he has successfully advocated for Python's use in infrastructure management, promoting its benefits even in a predominantly Java-based company. On a personal note, his guidance has been invaluable to my career as a junior Python developer, encouraging me to lead a Python junior KR community as a student. His commitment to mentoring and supporting the next generation of Python enthusiasts highlights his dedication to the community's growth and sustainability. For these reasons, I wholeheartedly support his re-election.

    Nomination by: Manabu TERADA

    I am writing to enthusiastically nominate KwonHan for a position on the Python Software Foundation (PSF) Board of Directors. I first met KwonHan over 10 years ago at PyCon APAC 2013 in Japan. He played a pivotal role in launching PyCon KR by working closely with our Japan and APAC teams. For over ten years, he has been a central figure in PyCon KR and actively involved in the APAC Python community.

    KwonHan's efforts have significantly enhanced the presence of the Python community in Asia, fostering strong regional and global collaborations. He consistently brings large groups of Python enthusiasts to PyCon US and maintains regular online meetings within APAC, demonstrating his commitment to continuous engagement.

    KwonHan's technical expertise, combined with his excellent communication and interpersonal skills, make him an ideal candidate for the PSF Board. His passion for Python and dedication to community building are unmatched, and I am confident he will continue to make significant contributions to the PSF.

    Nomination by:

    I am honored to nominate Kwon Han for re-election to the Python Software Foundation Board. Over the past year, his leadership has significantly impacted the Python community, both locally and internationally. His efforts in fostering a diverse and inclusive environment are exemplary, and his work with PyCon Korea and PyCon APAC has set high standards for community-driven IT conferences. As a Site Reliability Engineer at LINEYAHOO, he has successfully advocated for Python's use in infrastructure management, promoting its benefits even in a predominantly Java-based company. On a personal note, his guidance has been invaluable to my career as a junior Python developer, encouraging me to lead a Python junior KR community as a student. His commitment to mentoring and supporting the next generation of Python enthusiasts highlights his dedication to the community's growth and sustainability. For these reasons, I wholeheartedly support his re-election.

    Nomination by: WEI LEE
    • Started PyCon KR and runs it for 10 years
    • Started Python User Group Korea runs it for over 10 years
    • Organizing PyCon APAC
    • PSF Director 2023 (1 year)
    • PSF Code of Conduct WG
    Nomination by: Seongsoo Cho

    KwonHan Bae is an early member of PyCon Korea and has been a key operator, dedicating over 10 years to PyCon Korea and the Python Korea User Group. He has mentored junior developers for over five years to cultivate Python developers in Korea, and recently, he has been focusing on fostering female Python developers.

    As a member of PyCon APAC, he has devoted a lot of time to expanding and activating the Python community in the Asia region. He supports activities in various countries to ensure that PyCon APAC conferences can be held successfully and strives to make PyCon APAC accessible to everyone without barriers.

    I believe he should become a PSF Board Director to expand the diversity of the global Python community and advance the Python community in the Asia region. His dedication over the past six months has been a great inspiration to the Asian Python community.

    Nomination by: Dong-hee Na

    In short, one year was too short for him, let's give him more activity chances!

    Since last year, Kwonhan has contributed in various ways to the APAC Python community by participating in PyCon US, APAC, and KR. His activity improves the Asia community compared to last year by actively encouraging Asian community members to participate in Python community activities worldwide. Kwonhan always tries to listen to what Asia community members need and connect with the people who can help! Lastly, he is working for one of the big tech companies in Asia, so I believe he can be a good bridge for the needs of underrepresented regions, not only from a community perspective but also from a technical perspective.

    Let's give him 3 years more :)

    Nomination by: Younggun Kim

    I have known KwonHan for many years, dating back to when we co-founded PyCon Korea. Our long-standing relationship has given me a unique insight into his character, capabilities, and dedication to the community which makes me feel compelled to share my thoughts on his potential contribution.

    In his current role, KwonHan is undertaking what he describes as a crucial mission. His focus extends beyond Korea, encompassing efforts to revitalize our communities across Asia. It's an ambitious undertaking, one that KwonHan assures will require enough time and resources to yield tangible results. I am convinced that KwonHan possesses both the commitment and the skills to see it through to fruition.

    While the results of his efforts may not be immediately visible, I am confident that given more time, KwonHan will achieve remarkable outcomes. It is precisely for this reason that I recommend him for the board.

    Nomination by: Denny Perez

    I would like to nominate KwonHan Bae for the PSF Board of Directors. KwonHan has made significant contributions to the global Python community. I first met KwonHan on the board of directors and had the opportunity to work with him. During this time, I have seen his great sense of collaboration and dedication. Although he has only had one year on the board, he has shown immense potential and commitment, which is why he deserves to continue as a director.

    KwonHan co-founded PyCon KR and has been running it for about 10 years. He has also led the Python User Group Korea for over a decade, fostering a strong community of Python developers in the region. KwonHan has been instrumental in mentoring and creating new Python user groups in Korea, including PyLadies Seoul and HelloPy.

    As a member of the PyCon APAC Committee, KwonHan has helped regional PyCons in the Asia-Pacific region for about 10 years. He has given numerous talks about Python, Django, MicroPython, and Pytest, sharing his knowledge and expertise widely.

    In his one year serving on the PSF Board, KwonHan has learned a lot and is eager to continue contributing. He has also served on the PSF Conduct Working Group, showing his dedication to maintaining a positive and inclusive community.

    We need as much global representation as we can get on the PSF board, and I believe KwonHan will serve as a strong voice for the Korean and broader APAC Python communities. I gladly will be casting my vote for him during this election.

    Nomination by: Cristián Maureira-Fredes

    I met KwonHan Bae during PyConUS2024 after he gave his lightning talk about 1-year as a PSF Board Directory, and I quickly noticed that most of the ideas he had for the PSF were aligned with the ones I had.

    Briefly, I have collaborated with him on the search for mechanisms from the PSF to enable more Translation teams to be motivated to participate, but also on a separate discussion he was very open to new suggestions. When I approached him to invite him to gather information of people that deserves to be a PSF fellow but wasn't already, he accepted right away.

    I would like KwonHanBae to continue in his current role at the PSF Board of directors, because I believe he can achieve great things not only with the Korean and Asian communities, but globally.

    Nomination by: Iqbal Abdullah

    I am nominating Kwon Han for a seat on the PSF board.

    Kwon-Han has been and still is a driving force in community organizing in KR and APAC. Has has put in a lot of effort to increase diversity within the East and SE Asia region, not only within nationality perspective but also gender.

    Using his platform as a current board member of the PSF, he has promoted PSF membership and also understanding of the role of the PSF. We still need Kwon-Han to be on the board.

    Nomination by: Joeun Park

    KwonHan Bae initiated PyCon Korea and has contributed to its continuation for over ten years. In a Python community where female developers are a minority, he has supported and mentored numerous women, helping them become conference speakers and open source contributors for more than a decade. Thanks to his efforts, I have also had the opportunity to present at various Python-related conferences and seminars and received mentoring for my presentations.

    To encourage participation in diverse areas of Python, he has organized and supported monthly or quarterly Python-related conferences, seminars, mentoring sessions, and study events for the past ten years.

    Additionally, he has consistently provided significant assistance to those seeking to expand their careers through Python for over a decade.

    Nomination by: Ivy Fung

    I would like to nominate KwonHan Bae from PyCon KR because he is very supportive to the whole PyCon community. He is very encouraging and supportive, sharing with me ideas and tips in running the community.

    He has: - Co-Found PyCon KR, run it for about 10 years - Run Python User Group Korea over 10 years - Mentoring Create Python User Groups in Korea ( pyladies Seoul, and hellopy now ) - PyCon APAC Committee to help regional pycon in apac about 10 years did speech about python itself, django, micropython, pytest over 50 times. - Personal Mentoring young pythonista ( currently 1 person, mentored over 30 people )

    Nomination by:

    I have observed his activities for a long time. He has been very active in the Python community and the F/OSS community in South Korea. He has especially dedicated himself to organizing and running PyCon Korea for a long time.

    Additionally, he has worked to support women developers and is actively involved in efforts to eliminate discrimination (including gender discrimination) within the community.

    Like the rest of the world, South Korea is still flooded with toxic speech and expensive bootcamps that cannot guarantee quality. Amidst this, he spares no effort in protecting and guiding socially disadvantaged individuals and beginners who are interested in software engineering in the right direction.

    Most people, including myself, believe they are just, but they do not take active steps. However, he does.

Débora Azevedo

Nomination details
  • Name: Débora Azevedo
  • Previous Board Service: PSF Board of Directors 2021-2024 (3y term)
  • Employer: Rio Grande do Norte state office of education
  • Other Affiliations: PSF Diversity & Inclusion workgroup, PyLadies Brazil
  • Nominee Statement:

      It's with great pleasure that I humbly submit my name for the 2024-2027 term of the Python Software Foundation Board of Directors. Below, you'll find information about me, an overview of my Python Community contributions, and the goals that I have if elected

      Who am I

      Hi! My name is Débora Azevedo and I've been a volunteer in the Python community for 10 years. As an active member of the Python community in Brazil, I co-founded PyLadies Brazil, which is the network of PyLadies chapters in the country, the largest PyLadies chapter globally. Besides, I have been volunteering in the Python community, focusing on PyLadies, teaching Python, giving advice for community managers and organizing events.

      Experience with the Python community and on the board

      I've been serving the PSF since 2020, even before I joined the board. I am an active participant of the Diversity and Inclusion workgroup, meeting quarterly and participating in events in panels.

      As a board director, for the past 3 years, I have attended about 85% of meetings, chaired a couple of them - as my duty as vice chair states - providing insights and points of discussion, focusing on getting the community closer to the PSF and empowering other fellow board members.

      While being part of the board, I acted most on D&I duties, such as the sliding scale membership - as a way to improve more participation from the community as supporting (and as a consequence voting) members of the PSF. I also took part in committees such as the executive committee (meeting before hand to organize and discuss agenda topics with chair, vice chair, treasurer and secretary) and PyCon US committee (as a board member in the insides of the organization of PyCon US, understanding its magnitude and discussing actions for the conference).

      Apart from that, I kept doing local/regional work, advising and helping community organizers to apply for grants, speaking at conferences and local meetups.

      As I like to say, all this volunteer work takes much of our free time. This is the only resource we cannot take back, but I gladly spend some of it working on and for the Python community, which has allowed me to grow so much! We're investing our time to teach, advise and do outreach.

      Speaking at conferences

      Organizing conferences


      Python community relevant work

      • PyLadies Brazil co-founder (2014)
      • Django Girls Natal organizer ( 2017)
      • First PyLadies Brazil Conf chair (2018)
      • Python Brazil conference co-organizer (2018 and 2021)
      • Python Nordeste conference co-organizer (2015 and 2024)
      • PyLadies at Python Brazil crowdfunding campaign chair (2018 and 2019)
      • Python Brazil conference keynote (2019)
      • PyLadies Global Interim member (2019-2020)
      • PSF fellow member (2020)
      • Diversity and Inclusion workgroup (2020 onward)
      • PSF board member (2021-2024), being vice chair (2022-2024)
      • Part of the Booth Fairies, PSF volunteers that organized the PSF booth at PyCon US (2023-2024)
      • PSF Membership committee (2024)

      Goals as a board member

      As a member of the Board of Directors there are some goals I'd like to kick start and continue working on. All of it is deeply aligned with the core values that emerge from the work I've been doing over the past decade with the Python community in Brazil and worldwide.

      • Help the PSF to have stronger relations to community members by working on advertising and improving projects like the office hours (that exist now for grants and current board elections), getting input from the community on what are aspects they need more clarity from the PSF
      • Work directly on PSF materials internationalization and translation - without materials like PSF membership documentation and registration forms available in multiple languages the PSF is not actively promoting inclusive practices for Pythonistas that aren't English proficient and/or English native speakers. This is but one example of items that can be targeted for translation, apart from Python documentation, which has been broadly translated (hooray!!).
      • Improve membership process with the newly created Membership committee, so we can have clearer membership types, updates on our members email lists and a smoother voting affirmation processes, empowering PSF members as they get closer to the foundation itself
      • Broaden the PSF's reach as an educational resource for Python in Education


      In closing, I would be honored to continue serving the Python community as a PSF Director. Quoting Brett Cannon, we come for the language but stay for the community. That's why I've been sticking around for all these years and intend to give it back to the very same community as I possibly can! I hope you will consider me a suitable candidate for this mission, to represent you and your community.

  • Nomination Statements:
    Nomination by: Dawn Wages

    It has been an honor to work with Debora on the Python Software Foundation Board. She has been thoughtful, strategic and empathetic with every action she takes supporting our community. I've seen the way that she raises her hand to support the language and the community around the language on the executive team, on the Diversity and Inclusion Work group, in PyCon planning and in her interpersonal relationships supporting our Python peers. Debora returning to the board to continue her work driving forward and increasing awareness for perspectives in the community, engaging thoughtfully in discussions and showing up to do the work that is not always glamorous or thanked would benefit the Python Community.

Tania Allard

Nomination details
  • Name: Tania Allard
  • Previous Board Service: 2021-2024
  • Employer: Quansight Labs
  • Other Affiliations: PSF Code of Conduct Working Group, PSF User Success Working Group, PSF Fellow, PyLadies Global Council, PyLadiesCon, Mentored Sprints
  • Nominee Statement:

      Hi I am Tania Allard. I am a Mexican living in the UK. I am also the Director of Quansight Labs, a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to building and maintaining sustainable open-source projects and their communities within the Python scientific computing ecosystem. I currently serve on the PSF Code of Conduct Working Group and the PyLadies Global Council, and I just completed a three-year term on the PSF Board. I have been an active member of the Python community for over a decade (almost 15 years, and roughly the same time in the Scientific Computing community). Through these years, I have a track record of building diverse and inclusive communities, supporting, mentoring, and empowering others in our community (for example, through the organisation of Mentored Sprints), co-organising and supporting conferences, contributing to, maintaining, and helping secure funding for open-source projects, and, more recently, helping make the PSF do better work. I am a regular speaker, keynoter, PSF Fellow, Jupyter Distinguished Contributor, emeritus chair of DISC (Diversity and Inclusion in Scientific Computing), and Python UK Association emeritus trustee.

      During my first term, I:

      • Co-facilitated strategic discussions around improving and strengthening PSF initiatives aimed at better serving our global community Served on the PyCon US committee and PyCon US Code of Conduct Enforcement team
      • Responded to the multiple challenges derived from the global pandemic and its impact on PSF-related initiatives around grant giving, project funding, and events organisation
      • Worked closely with the PSF to formalise the PyLadies status as a PSF fiscal sponsoree. This allows us to better support the global PyLadies community, especially the global chapter organisers.
      • Participated in and facilitated numerous strategic discussions with a breadth of groups, maintainers, and Python users within our community to understand how the PSF could better serve our ever-growing Python user base. Thanks to this, I was also able to shepherd and co-lead the creation of a PSF Working Group focused on user success (that will oversee wide-reaching and encompassing areas such as accessibility, user experience, newcomers onboarding, usability and discoverability of tools and resources, and internationalisation and localisation).

      If elected, I would like to focus on the following:

      Continue to improve and strengthen PSF programmes and initiatives (for example, Grants and associated processes, D&I working group)

      Our community has grown and evolved significantly over the years. During my term as a director, I have realised that some of our processes and initiatives need improvements to match our community's diverse and evolving needs. External factors such as changes in the overall tech industry stability and pandemics have also significantly impacted our community and strained the support and funding processes we have relied on until now. I want to continue working with multiple working groups across the PSF and iterate on/refine processes and mechanisms to empower these groups and help the PSF achieve its mission of growing sustainably. I also want to broaden the feedback and communication channels between the community and the PSF to ensure that these processes are anchored and driven by the real needs of our community members, newcomers, and leaders.

      Continue to build and strengthen partnerships with sister communities, in particular, the Scientific Python

      One of my priorities is and will continue to build bridges across intersectional communities. As someone coming from the Scientific Computing and PyData sides of the Python community, I see and appreciate the need to build bridges and create spaces where we all converge and hold discussions around community-wide strategic areas such as supply chain security, interoperability, cross-platform compatibility, accessibility and usability, packaging and distribution, and emerging and trending areas such as AI and Machine Learning.

      I will continue to find ways to facilitate the creation of such spaces and make it easier to fund these efforts through avenues such as our developer-in-residence programme, industry partnerships, and other funding activities.

      Work towards improving overall user experience and accessibility of PSF resources and beyond.

      Python's popularity and reach have massively grown over the last few years (and decades, for that matter), and there are no signs of this trend slowing down in the upcoming years. However, several improvements are overdue regarding straightforward and streamlined onboarding resources for Python newcomers, accessibility (for people with disabilities) and usable tools, websites, documentation sites, and more. I want to focus on such much-needed improvements, better-defining success pathways for newcomers to the language and improving the user experience of Python tools and resources (primarily as part of the User Success Working Group).

      Additionally, I would like to collaborate with existing internationalisation and translation volunteer groups to provide better access to our global community and to ensure proper support for these incredible volunteer groups.

      Hola, soy Tania Allard. Soy originaria de México, pero vivo en el Reino Unido. También soy la directora de Quansight Labs, una organización sin fines de lucro enfocada en construir y mantener proyectos de código abierto sostenibles y sus comunidades dentro del ecosistema de computación científica en Python.

      Actualmente, soy miembro del Grupo de Trabajo del Código de Conducta de la PSF y del Consejo Global de PyLadies, y acabo de completar un período de tres años en la Junta de la PSF. He sido miembro activo de la comunidad de Python durante más de una década (casi 15 años, y aproximadamente el mismo tiempo en la comunidad de Computación Científica). A lo largo de estos años, tengo un historial de construcción de comunidades diversas e inclusivas, apoyando, mentorando y empoderando a otros en nuestra comunidad (por ejemplo, a través de la organización de Mentored Sprints), coorganizando y apoyando conferencias, contribuyendo, manteniendo y ayudando a asegurar financiamiento para proyectos de código abierto y, más recientemente, ayudando a que la PSF haga un mejor trabajo.

      Soy una conferencista habitual, oradora principal, PSF Fellow, Contribuyente Distinguida de Jupyter, presidenta emérita de DISC (Diversidad e Inclusión en Computación Científica) y fideicomisaria emérita de la Asociación de Python UK.

      Durante mi primer período:

      • Cofacilité discusiones estratégicas sobre la mejora y fortalecimiento de las iniciativas de la PSF destinadas a servir mejor a nuestra comunidad global.
      • Serví en el comité de PyCon US y en el equipo de Ejecución del Código de Conducta de PyCon US.
      • Respondí a los múltiples desafíos derivados de la pandemia global y su impacto en las iniciativas relacionadas con la PSF en torno a la concesión de subvenciones, financiamiento de proyectos y organización de eventos.
      • Trabajé estrechamente con la PSF para formalizar el estatus de PyLadies como patrocinado fiscal de la PSF. Esto nos permite apoyar mejor a la comunidad global de PyLadies, especialmente a los organizadores de capítulos globales.
      • Participé y facilité numerosas discusiones estratégicas con diversos grupos, mantenedores y usuarios de Python dentro de nuestra comunidad para entender cómo la PSF podría servir mejor a nuestra base de usuarios de Python en constante crecimiento. Gracias a esto, también pude guiar y co-liderar la creación de un Grupo de Trabajo de la PSF enfocado en el éxito del usuario (que supervisará áreas de amplio alcance como accesibilidad, experiencia del usuario, incorporación de nuevos usuarios, usabilidad y descubribilidad de herramientas y recursos, e internacionalización y localización).

      Si soy elegida, me gustaría enfocarme en lo siguiente:

      Continuar mejorando y fortaleciendo los programas e iniciativas de la PSF (por ejemplo, Subvenciones y procesos asociados, grupo de trabajo de D&I)

      Nuestra comunidad ha crecido y evolucionado significativamente a lo largo de los años. Durante mi período como directora, me he dado cuenta de que algunos de nuestros procesos e iniciativas necesitan mejoras para adaptarse a las diversas y cambiantes necesidades de nuestra comunidad. Factores externos, como cambios en la estabilidad general de la industria tecnológica y pandemias, también han impactado significativamente en nuestra comunidad y han tensado los procesos de apoyo y financiamiento que actualmente usamos. Quiero seguir trabajando con múltiples grupos de trabajo en toda la PSF e iterar/refinar procesos y mecanismos para empoderar a estos grupos y ayudar a la PSF a lograr su misión de fomentar el crecimiento de nuestra comunidad. También quiero ampliar los canales de retroalimentación y comunicación entre la comunidad y la PSF para asegurar que estos procesos estén anclados y guiados por las necesidades reales de nuestros miembros de la comunidad, nuevos miembros y líderes.

      Continuar construyendo y fortaleciendo alianzas con comunidades hermanas, en particular, la Scientific Python

      Una de mis prioridades es y seguirá siendo construir puentes entre comunidades interseccionales. Como alguien que viene del lado de la Computación Científica y PyData de la comunidad de Python, veo y aprecio la necesidad de construir puentes y crear espacios donde todos converjamos y tengamos discusiones sobre áreas estratégicas para toda la comunidad, como seguridad,, interoperabilidad, compatibilidad entre plataformas, accesibilidad y usabilidad, empaquetado y distribución, así como áreas emergentes y de tendencia como la IA y el Aprendizaje Automático.

      Seguiré encontrando formas de facilitar la creación de dichos espacios y hacer que sea más fácil financiar estos esfuerzos a través de vías como nuestro programa de desarrollador en residencia, asociaciones con la industria y otras actividades de financiamiento.

      Trabajar para mejorar la experiencia del usuario y la accesibilidad de los recursos de la PSF y más allá.

      La popularidad y el alcance de Python han crecido enormemente en los últimos años (y décadas, de hecho), y no hay señales de que esta tendencia disminuya en los próximos años. Sin embargo, se necesitan urgentemente varias mejoras en cuanto a recursos de incorporación directos y simplificados para los nuevos usuarios de Python, accesibilidad (para personas con discapacidades) y herramientas utilizables, sitios web, sitios de documentación y más. Quiero enfocarme en estas mejoras tan necesarias, definir mejor las rutas de éxito para los recién llegados al lenguaje y mejorar la experiencia del usuario de las herramientas y recursos de Python (principalmente como parte del Grupo de Trabajo de Éxito del Usuario). Además, me gustaría colaborar con los grupos de voluntarios de internacionalización y traducción existentes para proporcionar un mejor acceso a nuestra comunidad global y asegurar el apoyo adecuado para estos increíbles grupos de voluntarios.

  • Nomination Statements:
    Nomination by: Filipe Laíns

    With great excitement, I wholeheartedly endorse Tania for a seat at the PSF board.

    Tania is a pillar of the Python community, being a very active member, and a great advocate for underrepresented communities. Some of her contributions include being an active member of the PyLadies community, organizing the Mentored Sprints at PyCon US for several years, and being a member of the PSF CoC Workgroup. On top of that, she possesses a vast technical background and understands the current issues on the Python ecosystem.

    All of the interactions I have had with Tania have been incredibly pleasant and productive. I have nothing but good things to say about her, and I truly hope her presence on the PSF board is extended this election cycle.

    Sincerely, Filipe Laíns

    Nomination by: KwonHan Bae

    I am writing to highly recommend her for her exceptional contributions to the Python community.

    She has dedicated significant effort to the Python community. I have had the pleasure of spending considerable time with her on the Conduct Working Group and the PSF Board. She conducts discussions with great thoughtfulness, taking into account various contexts. Her passion and dedication have been invaluable in helping me make well-informed decisions.

    She consistently demonstrates a proactive approach and tirelessly works to resolve issues. Her ability to gather and harmonize diverse opinions within the community is truly commendable. Working with her has been an enlightening experience, and I am confident that her contributions have greatly benefited the community.

    Given her commitment and enthusiasm, I am certain she will excel in any position she undertakes. I wholeheartedly recommend her without any reservations and wish her continued success in all her future endeavors.