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Nominee for 2024 Python Software Foundation Board Election

Abigail Dogbe

  • Previous Board Service: Never
  • Employer: University of Cincinnati
  • Other Affiliations: Python Africa, PyLadies Global, Black Python Devs, Django Software Foundation.
  • Nominee Statement:

      I am Abigail Mesrenyame Dogbe, an open-source community builder, programs manager, researcher, and STEM education advocate from Ghana who loves seeing people empowered by technology. My initial experience with Python was at my first Django Girls Accra experience as a mentee. I subsequently joined the Python Ghana community and eventually became the lead for the PyLadies Ghana community. Although I wrote code around that time, I developed a deep passion for bringing people together to learn, share resources and network. Throughout the years, together with other volunteers, I helped organize several Python events for the Ghanaian and African Python Communities, such as Python Ghana, PyData Ghana, PyCon Africa, etc..

      Being curious and excited to connect more Pythonistas from our global communities with the PyLadies Ghana community, I started contributing to PyLadies Global through the communications team and inviting guest speakers and facilitators to our events. Gradually, I encouraged and supported the start of new PyLadies chapters across Africa and other parts of the world. I have been contributing to PyCon US over the years as an online and in-person volunteer and at the PSF booth, the recently held PyCon 2024 inclusive. I led the lightning talks session and look forward to continuing in this regard at future PyCons.

      Through these commitments, I have found purpose in contributing to Open Source through community building. I am poised to do more to serve others while spreading Python, particularly within Africa and the global community.

      Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) efforts I have spoken at global conferences such as EuroPython, DjangoCon US and advocated for the spread and use of Python in Africa. Mentored at several Django Girls events in Ghana and co-organized Django Girls PyCon Africa. Hosted, organized and collaborated on several events for PyLadies Ghana, increasing the participation of women in the Python Community. Ensuring that people from French-speaking African countries are included in continent-wide Python events. Spoke on the PSF Diversity and Inclusion workgroup panel at PyCon US 2024 about Python community building in Africa and its challenges. Conducting ongoing research in Open Source Governance focused on increasing DEI in open-source community leadership Started a book drive known as Books for Techies, where I donate books to people getting started with their Tech careers in Africa

      Awards and Recognitions Outstanding PyLady Award Recipient (2024) DSF Individual Member (2022) PSF Community Service Award Recipient (2020) Google Open Source Peer Bonus Award Recipient (2020) PyDev of the week (2020) PSF Fellow (2019)

      Goals Advocate for Pythonistas in Africa Revive the Outreach and Education workgroup at the PSF to help provide educational resources, especially to students, while connecting academic institutions and industry partners to collaborate. Bringing the francophone Python communities located within Africa closer to the PSF Collaborating with other members of the board to achieve the mission and vision of the Python Software Foundation. Creating a pipeline and encouraging others to take up leadership roles and opportunities within our community.

      Thank you for your support and consideration, and I hope I am given the opportunity to serve.

  • Nomination Statements:
    • Nomination by: Georgi Ker

      Abigail Dogbe is a remarkable PSF member, open-source contributor, and leader in the Python community, particularly known for her leadership and community-building efforts in Ghana. She has been instrumental in founding and expanding Python and PyLadies communities across the country and beyond.

      Abigail's contributions include setting up six PyLadies chapters in Ghana and playing key roles in establishing PyLadies communities in Ethiopia, Liberia, and Zambia. She has also contributed significantly to PyCon Africa and PyCon Ghana. Abigail represents underrepresented voices, especially in the African region, and will bring valuable experience, knowledge, and compassion to the board.