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Nominee for 2024 Python Software Foundation Board Election

KwonHan Bae

  • Previous Board Service: 2023
  • Employer: LINE Plus Corporation
  • Other Affiliations: Python User Group of Korea, PyCon KR, PyCon APAC, PSF Conduct WG
  • Nominee Statement:

      One Year is Too Short

      One year is too short. Over the past year, I have learned a great deal from the PSF, and I would like the opportunity to contribute more to the community with this valuable experience.

      What I Learned as PSF Board Member

      Through my efforts to connect within the Asian region where I reside, I've come to realize something important. Not only in Asia but also in Africa and other regions, there are many talented individuals with the potential to contribute to the Python ecosystem. However, due to lack of connections or information, we are not collaborating with these individuals. I aim to strengthen and expand these unconnected areas.

      My involvement with the PSF's Conduct Working Group has taught me a great deal and clarified what we need to do. We have learned what aspects we need to consider and maintain to connect more and be more inclusive of a wider range of people. This is crucial for the growth and development of our community.

      My Vision and Experience for Python Community Growth

      First and foremost, I believe in the importance of community-based contributors, as opposed to only major library or core developers. While technical contributions are undeniably crucial, I firmly believe that a thriving, diverse, and inclusive community is equally important for the sustained growth and influence of Python worldwide.

      For over a decade, I have fostered such a community in Korea. My work has involved founding and leading a Python user group, thereby creating a solid platform for Python enthusiasts to share knowledge, collaborate, and grow together.

      My commitment to the Python community was exemplified when I delivered a lightning talk at PyCon US 2023. The talk provided a comprehensive overview of my vision and work. link

      When creating PyCon Korea, I was fortunate to receive significant support and guidance from friends in Japan and Taiwan, which was instrumental in the success of the initiative. This experience of international collaboration not only strengthened our local community but also enriched my understanding of community building. I am now able to pay this forward, using the insights and experiences gained to assist friends in other countries to develop their Python communities.

      In my professional capacity, I am currently employed at LINEYAHOO, a major messaging company based in Japan. Although the company primarily uses Java for application development, I, as a Site Reliability Engineer (SRE), strive to utilize Python in developing and managing the company's infrastructure. Further, I am actively encouraging developers within the company to adopt Python and participate in the wider Python community. This work reflects my belief in the value Python can bring to any organization and my commitment to its growth.

      Through the organization of user meetups, I have been instrumental in establishing community standards and propagating concepts such as the Code of Conduct. This model has since been adopted by various IT communities across Korea, with many looking to PyCon Korea as a standard of Community Driven IT Conference.

      My community-building efforts also extend to the international stage, where I have been part of the organization of PyCon APAC. Collaborating with teams across the region has granted me a broader perspective on the diverse needs and potential of the Python community in the Asia Pacific.

      Having led PyCon Korea for nine years, I am currently working on transitioning leadership to the next generation, a process that has further honed my skills in cultivating leadership and ensuring the sustainability of community initiatives.

      In conclusion, my experience and commitment to the Python community, both locally and internationally, equip me well for the Director position within the PSF. I am eager to leverage my passion for community building and my leadership experience to contribute to the Python Software Foundation at this higher level.

      Thank you for considering my nomination. I look forward to the possibility of serving the Python community in this capacity.

  • Nomination Statements:
    • Nomination by:

      I am honored to nominate Kwon Han for re-election to the Python Software Foundation Board. Over the past year, his leadership has significantly impacted the Python community, both locally and internationally. His efforts in fostering a diverse and inclusive environment are exemplary, and his work with PyCon Korea and PyCon APAC has set high standards for community-driven IT conferences. As a Site Reliability Engineer at LINEYAHOO, he has successfully advocated for Python's use in infrastructure management, promoting its benefits even in a predominantly Java-based company. On a personal note, his guidance has been invaluable to my career as a junior Python developer, encouraging me to lead a Python junior KR community as a student. His commitment to mentoring and supporting the next generation of Python enthusiasts highlights his dedication to the community's growth and sustainability. For these reasons, I wholeheartedly support his re-election.

    • Nomination by: Manabu TERADA

      I am writing to enthusiastically nominate KwonHan for a position on the Python Software Foundation (PSF) Board of Directors. I first met KwonHan over 10 years ago at PyCon APAC 2013 in Japan. He played a pivotal role in launching PyCon KR by working closely with our Japan and APAC teams. For over ten years, he has been a central figure in PyCon KR and actively involved in the APAC Python community.

      KwonHan's efforts have significantly enhanced the presence of the Python community in Asia, fostering strong regional and global collaborations. He consistently brings large groups of Python enthusiasts to PyCon US and maintains regular online meetings within APAC, demonstrating his commitment to continuous engagement.

      KwonHan's technical expertise, combined with his excellent communication and interpersonal skills, make him an ideal candidate for the PSF Board. His passion for Python and dedication to community building are unmatched, and I am confident he will continue to make significant contributions to the PSF.

    • Nomination by:

      I am honored to nominate Kwon Han for re-election to the Python Software Foundation Board. Over the past year, his leadership has significantly impacted the Python community, both locally and internationally. His efforts in fostering a diverse and inclusive environment are exemplary, and his work with PyCon Korea and PyCon APAC has set high standards for community-driven IT conferences. As a Site Reliability Engineer at LINEYAHOO, he has successfully advocated for Python's use in infrastructure management, promoting its benefits even in a predominantly Java-based company. On a personal note, his guidance has been invaluable to my career as a junior Python developer, encouraging me to lead a Python junior KR community as a student. His commitment to mentoring and supporting the next generation of Python enthusiasts highlights his dedication to the community's growth and sustainability. For these reasons, I wholeheartedly support his re-election.

    • Nomination by: WEI LEE
      • Started PyCon KR and runs it for 10 years
      • Started Python User Group Korea runs it for over 10 years
      • Organizing PyCon APAC
      • PSF Director 2023 (1 year)
      • PSF Code of Conduct WG
    • Nomination by: Seongsoo Cho

      KwonHan Bae is an early member of PyCon Korea and has been a key operator, dedicating over 10 years to PyCon Korea and the Python Korea User Group. He has mentored junior developers for over five years to cultivate Python developers in Korea, and recently, he has been focusing on fostering female Python developers.

      As a member of PyCon APAC, he has devoted a lot of time to expanding and activating the Python community in the Asia region. He supports activities in various countries to ensure that PyCon APAC conferences can be held successfully and strives to make PyCon APAC accessible to everyone without barriers.

      I believe he should become a PSF Board Director to expand the diversity of the global Python community and advance the Python community in the Asia region. His dedication over the past six months has been a great inspiration to the Asian Python community.

    • Nomination by: Dong-hee Na

      In short, one year was too short for him, let's give him more activity chances!

      Since last year, Kwonhan has contributed in various ways to the APAC Python community by participating in PyCon US, APAC, and KR. His activity improves the Asia community compared to last year by actively encouraging Asian community members to participate in Python community activities worldwide. Kwonhan always tries to listen to what Asia community members need and connect with the people who can help! Lastly, he is working for one of the big tech companies in Asia, so I believe he can be a good bridge for the needs of underrepresented regions, not only from a community perspective but also from a technical perspective.

      Let's give him 3 years more :)

    • Nomination by: Younggun Kim

      I have known KwonHan for many years, dating back to when we co-founded PyCon Korea. Our long-standing relationship has given me a unique insight into his character, capabilities, and dedication to the community which makes me feel compelled to share my thoughts on his potential contribution.

      In his current role, KwonHan is undertaking what he describes as a crucial mission. His focus extends beyond Korea, encompassing efforts to revitalize our communities across Asia. It's an ambitious undertaking, one that KwonHan assures will require enough time and resources to yield tangible results. I am convinced that KwonHan possesses both the commitment and the skills to see it through to fruition.

      While the results of his efforts may not be immediately visible, I am confident that given more time, KwonHan will achieve remarkable outcomes. It is precisely for this reason that I recommend him for the board.

    • Nomination by: Denny Perez

      I would like to nominate KwonHan Bae for the PSF Board of Directors. KwonHan has made significant contributions to the global Python community. I first met KwonHan on the board of directors and had the opportunity to work with him. During this time, I have seen his great sense of collaboration and dedication. Although he has only had one year on the board, he has shown immense potential and commitment, which is why he deserves to continue as a director.

      KwonHan co-founded PyCon KR and has been running it for about 10 years. He has also led the Python User Group Korea for over a decade, fostering a strong community of Python developers in the region. KwonHan has been instrumental in mentoring and creating new Python user groups in Korea, including PyLadies Seoul and HelloPy.

      As a member of the PyCon APAC Committee, KwonHan has helped regional PyCons in the Asia-Pacific region for about 10 years. He has given numerous talks about Python, Django, MicroPython, and Pytest, sharing his knowledge and expertise widely.

      In his one year serving on the PSF Board, KwonHan has learned a lot and is eager to continue contributing. He has also served on the PSF Conduct Working Group, showing his dedication to maintaining a positive and inclusive community.

      We need as much global representation as we can get on the PSF board, and I believe KwonHan will serve as a strong voice for the Korean and broader APAC Python communities. I gladly will be casting my vote for him during this election.

    • Nomination by: Cristián Maureira-Fredes

      I met KwonHan Bae during PyConUS2024 after he gave his lightning talk about 1-year as a PSF Board Directory, and I quickly noticed that most of the ideas he had for the PSF were aligned with the ones I had.

      Briefly, I have collaborated with him on the search for mechanisms from the PSF to enable more Translation teams to be motivated to participate, but also on a separate discussion he was very open to new suggestions. When I approached him to invite him to gather information of people that deserves to be a PSF fellow but wasn't already, he accepted right away.

      I would like KwonHanBae to continue in his current role at the PSF Board of directors, because I believe he can achieve great things not only with the Korean and Asian communities, but globally.

    • Nomination by: Iqbal Abdullah

      I am nominating Kwon Han for a seat on the PSF board.

      Kwon-Han has been and still is a driving force in community organizing in KR and APAC. Has has put in a lot of effort to increase diversity within the East and SE Asia region, not only within nationality perspective but also gender.

      Using his platform as a current board member of the PSF, he has promoted PSF membership and also understanding of the role of the PSF. We still need Kwon-Han to be on the board.

    • Nomination by: Joeun Park

      KwonHan Bae initiated PyCon Korea and has contributed to its continuation for over ten years. In a Python community where female developers are a minority, he has supported and mentored numerous women, helping them become conference speakers and open source contributors for more than a decade. Thanks to his efforts, I have also had the opportunity to present at various Python-related conferences and seminars and received mentoring for my presentations.

      To encourage participation in diverse areas of Python, he has organized and supported monthly or quarterly Python-related conferences, seminars, mentoring sessions, and study events for the past ten years.

      Additionally, he has consistently provided significant assistance to those seeking to expand their careers through Python for over a decade.

    • Nomination by: Ivy Fung

      I would like to nominate KwonHan Bae from PyCon KR because he is very supportive to the whole PyCon community. He is very encouraging and supportive, sharing with me ideas and tips in running the community.

      He has: - Co-Found PyCon KR, run it for about 10 years - Run Python User Group Korea over 10 years - Mentoring Create Python User Groups in Korea ( pyladies Seoul, and hellopy now ) - PyCon APAC Committee to help regional pycon in apac about 10 years did speech about python itself, django, micropython, pytest over 50 times. - Personal Mentoring young pythonista ( currently 1 person, mentored over 30 people )

    • Nomination by:

      I have observed his activities for a long time. He has been very active in the Python community and the F/OSS community in South Korea. He has especially dedicated himself to organizing and running PyCon Korea for a long time.

      Additionally, he has worked to support women developers and is actively involved in efforts to eliminate discrimination (including gender discrimination) within the community.

      Like the rest of the world, South Korea is still flooded with toxic speech and expensive bootcamps that cannot guarantee quality. Amidst this, he spares no effort in protecting and guiding socially disadvantaged individuals and beginners who are interested in software engineering in the right direction.

      Most people, including myself, believe they are just, but they do not take active steps. However, he does.