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Nominee for 2024 Python Software Foundation Board Election

Mason Egger

  • Previous Board Service: No
  • Employer: Temporal
  • Other Affiliations: PyTexas Foundation
  • Nominee Statement:

      My Python Community Journey

      Hello! My name is Mason Egger. I am currently a Sr. Technical Curriculum Developer at Temporal Technologies, developing education materials around Temporal's open source offering. Prior to my work at Temporal, I held Developer Relations roles at and DigitalOcean, as well as Software Engineering roles at Vrbo and Forcepoint. I am also currently the president of the PyTexas Foundation

      I've been working in Python my entire career, first picking it up to work on a Django app while I was in college back in 2013. I began speaking at Python Conferences in 2019, starting with PyTexas. After this, I volunteered to help organize the PyTexas Conference in 2020, helping take the conference virtual. After a hiatus in 2021, the PyTexas Conference returned in-person in Spring of 2022 with me as the Conference Chair. It was at this time that I was also elected to serve as president of the board for the PyTexas Foundation, the non-profit organization that puts on the conference. I have served as Conference Chair for the 2023, 2024 and upcoming 2025 PyTexas Conference. In my time as president, I have overseen the rebirth of the PyTexas Conference attendance from 1/5th the typical attendance in 2022 to breaking every previous record in 2024 (our largest and most active conference yet).

      I have also led the PyTexas Foundation in its expansion in providing resources and programs to the Python community in Texas. I am one of the founding members of the PyTexas Community Discord and the PyTexas Virtual Meetup. I am also leading the effort to provide funding and resources to local Python meetups within Texas (Katy Python Coders & DFW Pythoneers) as well as revitalize dormant in-person meetups (San Antonio Python Learners and PyHou).

      I hope to bring my experience from rebuilding and fostering Python communities in Texas to the PSF Board.

      My Goals if Elected

      The Python Software foundation is already doing a fantastic job in regard to the Python Community. If elected, these are the primary objectives I would like to dedicate my effort towards:

      • Fostering the growth and development of local communities
      • Promote collaboration across global Python communities
      • Help source and attract more funding for the PSF and its mission

      Fostering the Growth and Development of Local Communities

      I strongly believe that the strength of the Python Community, and by extension the PSF, has its foundations in local communities. The majority of people active within the Python Community will never attend PyCon US, while even more will never attend a Python conference. These members make up our meetups, our online communities, contribute to open-source projects and more. By focusing on local communities, we meet the community where they are. As a result, we attract more members into the global community. By uplifting communities around the world, we create a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive space within the Python ecosystem.

      I would like to contribute to the work the PSF is already doing to support these various groups, and provide guidance, resources, and funding when needed.

      Examples of this could consist of: * Providing guides on how to start a meetup/conference, how to get grants from the PSF, possible venue ideas * Creating a network of speakers, both local and remote, who are willing to speak at events * partnering with specific companies like Galvanize or Capital Factory to provide in-person venue space for Python meetups in the area.

      Promote Collaboration Across Global Python Communities

      With the rise of virtual meetups and conferences over the past few years, it has become easier than ever to interact with Python communities across the globe. Prior to the foundation of Conference Chats, community organizers didn't have a consistent way of communicating with each other, or sharing resources (such as speakers, sponsor contacts, tools, etc.). I think it is the opportune time to create a network of Python community organizers to act as guides and collaborators across events.

      I would like to create a global community of Python community organizers where they can trade ideas, speakers, tips & tricks, and more. I hope this will encourage more collaboration across the Python communities across the world.

      Help Source and Attract More Funding for the PSF and its Mission

      The PSF has many programs that it generously funds within the Python community. These programs require money to run, and even more if new programs are desired. Current economic factors have led to a decrease in funding across the entire open-source ecosystem, with some programs having to close as a result. While the PSF is not currently in such dire circumstances, it is important to always work towards continual financial security.

      I would like to explore new funding mechanisms for the PSF outside the traditional donation based system, as well as try to attract more sponsors using the current system that is in place.


      Thank you for considering me for the Python Software Foundation Board of Directors. It is a great honor to be nominated. For more information about me, you can visit my website or find me on social media.

  • Nomination Statements:
    • Nomination by:

      I wholeheartedly endorse Mason for the PSF board. Mason cares greatly about the Python community and ecosystem, and has poured many hours into building it up, not only vocationally and in organizing PyTexas, but also in advocating and supporting other regional Python conferences, meetups, and community in general. Mason has experience and interest in tech education generally, and consistently puts the language community as a whole ahead of himself and the organizations he is involved with, and would be a voice for local and regional community organizers on the PSF board.

      • David Antonini