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Sponsor the PSF

Thank you for sponsoring the PSF!

How to use this page:

  1. Select a Sponsorship Package: Select your sponsorship level using the radio buttons below. You may customize your package by unchecking highlighted items or checking available add-on items.
  2. Add a la carte benefits: Select any a la carte items.
  3. Submit your application: Submit using the button at the bottom of this page, and your selections will be displayed. Sign in or create a account to send your contact information and application to PSF staff.
  4. Finalize: PSF staff will reach out to you to confirm and finalize your sponsorship.

If you would like us to walk you through the program, email [email protected]. Thank you for making a difference in the Python ecosystem!

Select a Sponsorship Package


$155,000* * Subject to change


$95,000* * Subject to change


$63,000* * Subject to change


$33,000* * Subject to change


$16,500* * Subject to change


$12,500* * Subject to change


$3,750* * Subject to change


$1,500* * Subject to change

Foundation Benefits

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PSF Supporter Level Badge

PSF provides an icon showing you are a PSF sponsor and your level. You may display it on your website, social media accounts, events, and swag. A good way to show that you are a supporter of the Python community.

Logo on

Logo linked to sponsor designated URL posted on Listed in order of package level

Promoted Python Success Story

Write a case study showcasing your use of Python to be published to . Your Success Story posted on will be promoted on PSF social media.

PSF social media promotion

Promotion of your sponsorship via PSF social media accounts. Visionary & Sustainability: 4 posts. Maintaining: 3 posts. Contributing & Supporting: 2 posts. Partner: 1 posts.

Potential add-on

Potential add-on

Sponsorship of

Logo listed on for one year

Mention in the PSF Newsletter

Sponsor mention and logo in the PSF newsletter that is published approximately every other month.

Logo listed on PSF blog

Logo will be placed in the header on the blog home page ( and visible for one year. The PSF blog receives about 72,000 views per month.

Original Blog Post

1 original blog post on the PSF blog highlighting sponsor’s use of Python.

Meet with the PSF Board of Directors

Opportunity to meet with the PSF Board of Directors to discuss a topic of your choosing. The health and sustainability of our community is important to many organizations and we want to make sure community needs are heard and noted.

Press release

Joint press release to be co-written by PSF and Sponsor announcing the sponsorship.

PyPI Benefits

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Logo on the PyPI sponsors page

Company logo will be added to a sponsor page on

Potential add-on

Potential add-on

Social Media Promotion

Promotion of your sponsorship on @PyPI social media.

Potential add-on

Potential add-on

Potential add-on

Logo in a prominent position on the PyPI project detail page

Company logo will be displayed in rotation at a prominent location on PyPI project page sidebars. Over 2 million sidebars logos are displayed per month.

Logo on the PyPI footer

Core Development Benefits

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Language Summit recognition

Sponsor will receive recognition at the intro and wrap up of the event, one social media mention, and recognition in post event blog.

Logo on

Logo added to 4.4 million distinct users visit this page every month!

Joint press release with the PSF

PSF and sponsor will work together to create a press release.

CPython Dev Sprint Recognition

Sponsor will receive recognition at the intro and wrap up of the sprint, plus social media mentions. Sponsor will also be recognized in the virtual event and in the post event blog.

Meet with the Python Steering Council

Opportunity to meet with the Steering Council to discuss technical aspects of Python or feedback you may have, or just a Q&A with the Steering Council. The health and sustainability of Python is critical to many organizations and we want to make sure community needs are heard and noted.

PyCon US 2025 Benefits

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Listing on PyCon US website

Sponsor designation and listing on linking to URL provided in the application

Full Conference Passes

Full conference passes include access to all PyCon US talks, Charlas, keynotes, conference meals, Expo Hall, Job Fair, and Opening Reception. A voucher code will be provided for the quantity included in your package and each staff member will register individually to receive the complimentary pass.

Discounted Full Conference Passes

Additional Full Conference Passes available at a 25% discount off the regular corporate rate. A discount voucher code will be provided for the quantity requested and each staff member will register and pay the discounted ticket cost individually.

Job Fair Table and PyCon US Jobs Page job listings

A job fair table for the Job Fair on Sunday and job listings on the Jobs Fair page. A Full Conference or Expo Only pass is required for staff attending the Job Fair.

Potential add-on

Potential add-on

Expo Hall & Job Fair Only Passes

Expo Hall Only passes provide access to the Expo Hall only (including meals), and are intended for sponsor staff who intend to set up and staff your sponsor booth and/or job fair table, but not attend talks or other conference programming.

PyCon US Social Media Promotion

Promotion of sponsorship on @pycon Twitter account. Visionary, Sustainability, and Maintaining: 2 tweets. Contributing, Supporting, Partner, and Participating: 1 tweet.

Contribute an item to the PyLadies Auction

Opportunity to donate an item to be bid on at the popular PyLadies fundraising dinner and auction. Companies often contribute creative items customized for the event.

Booth Space in Expo Hall

Booth in Expo Hall starting Thursday for Opening Reception, all day Friday, and Saturday. Limited availability, first come first served.

Option to purchase Lead Retrieval Service

You will have the option to access Lead Retrieval through for a fee. Your sponsorship admin will be able to purchase licenses to access the service for your exhibitors.
Up to 15 licenses for purchase.
Up to 10 licenses for purchase.
Up to 10 licenses for purchase.
Up to 10 licenses for purchase.
Up to 7 licenses for purchase.
Up to 5 licenses for purchase.
Up to 2 licenses for purchase.

Additional Expo Hall Only Passes

Up to 5 additional Expo Hall & Job Fair Only staff passes available at $75.00 each. A voucher code will be provided for the quantity requested and each staff member will be required to register and pay the discounted ticket cost individually.

Logo highlight in PyCon US News

Logo placement in each of 4 emails sent to all users that opt-in to PyCon US News

Potential add-on

Potential add-on

Potential add-on

Full-Color Slide

One full-color slide to be used in rotation in general session & all breakout rooms, which will be displayed between sessions.

Highlight in attendee email

Highlight of PyCon US content in the attendee emails sent to all registered attendees

PyCon US Mobile App Logo Placement

Your logo will appear in rotation in a banner on the PyCon US mobile app.

Sponsor Presentation

One Sponsor Presentation, a 1-hour session on Thursday, May 16th. You may present on any topic of your choice, as long as it does not constitute an advertising. $8,500. Capacity limit of 16 presentations. (Formerly referred to as "Sponsor Workshops.")

Potential add-on

Potential add-on

Potential add-on

Potential add-on

Potential add-on

Potential add-on

Sponsor Greeting in General Session

Three minute live greeting for PyCon US Attendees during General Sessions, preceding Keynotes.

Select a la carte benefits

Available to add to sponsorship packages.
PyCon US 2025 - Coffee Break Sponsorship $5,000 sponsorship cost. Logo placement at coffee tables on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and on food and beverage page. You may also optionally provide branded cups for coffee service; subject to design approval by the PyCon US team.
PyCon US 2025 - PyCon US WiFi Sponsor $10,000 sponsorship cost with capacity of 2 sponsors. You will be acknowledged wherever we provide WiFi password on event signage, mobile app, and hotel signage, as well as with your logo on the relevant page on
PyCon US 2025 - PyCon US Travel Grant Sponsor $2,000 sponsorship cost. Sponsorship fees go directly into our Travel Grant fund which enables people from all over the world and a range of personal and professional backgrounds to attend PyCon US. Logo placement on a shared slide to be used in rotation between talks in general session & all breakout rooms and on the Travel Grants page on
PyCon US 2025 - Opening Reception Sponsor $5,000 with capacity of 3 sponsors. Welcome sign displayed at entrance of the Opening Reception at refreshments tables, on the event page on Social media promotion.
PyCon US 2025 - Registration Sponsor $10,000 sponsorship cost with capacity of 2 sponsors. Logo displayed prominently at the registration desk where all attendees check in throughout the event. You also have the opportunity to provide an item for attendees as they check in that promotes sustainability. We will promote your registration sponsorship on social media.
PyCon US 2025 - PyLadies Luncheon Sponsor $2,000 sponsorship cost. Logo placement at event and on event page.
PyCon US 2025 - Sprint Days Coffee & Power Sponsor $5,000 sponsorship cost with capacity of 2 sponsors. During the four Sprints Days, logo placement on sign displayed at entrance to Sprints area, logo placement on signage at coffee stations, and logo placement on Sprints page. You may also optionally provide branded coffee cups; design subject to PyCon US team approval.
PyCon US 2025 - PSF Member Lunch Sponsor $2,000 with capacity for 2 sponsors Logo placement on and event signage.
PyCon US 2025 - Captioning Sponsor $2,500 sponsorship cost. Logo placement on, and appear on shared slide during talks and General Sessions with other captioning sponsors.
PyCon US 2025 - Speakers' Room Sponsorship $2,000 sponsorship cost. Your logo will be displayed on signs thanking you for your support in the "Green Room" where all PyCon US speakers and presenters prepare to go on stage, by the snacks and water table. You will also be acknowledged on the website.
PyCon US 2025 - PyLadies Auction Lead Sponsor [SOLD OUT] Two minute intro at the Auction by a representative of the sponsor's choice, to include a focus on diversity & inclusion, e.g. information about sponsor's efforts to increase internal diversity & inclusion. Additional visibility: Sponsor will be featured first/largest wherever the Auction sponsors are listed (on the auction webpage, signage, etc.), Sponsor's Logo on table cards & auction podium
PyCon US 2025 - PyLadies Auction Sponsor $3,000 with capacity of 4 sponsors. Welcome sign displayed at entrance to PyLadies Auction, logo placement on Auction page.

Select standalone benefits

Available to be selected without package
PyCon US 2025 - Stand-alone Job Fair Table Select this option to participate only in the Job Fair on Sunday. $3,000 per table. Includes (2) Job Fair passes (includes lunch) and listing on the Jobs Fair page on

Submit your contact information

  1. Create an account or log-in

  2. Submit your contact information

PSF staff will reach out to confirm and finalize

If you would like us to walk you through the new program, email [email protected].

Thank you for making a difference in the Python ecosystem!